Педагогические условия обеспечения стабильности соревновательной деятельности занимающихся спортивной аэробикой (девушки 17-22 лет)

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Russischer transliterierter Titel:Pedagogičeskie uslovija obespečenija stabil’nostii sorevnovatel’noj dejatel’nosti zanimajuščichsja sportivnoj aerobikoj (devuški 17 – 22 let)
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Pädagogische Bedingungen der Sicherung der Stabilität der Wettkampftätigkeit für Aerobic-Aktive (Mädchen im Alter von 17 – 22)
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Educational conditions of ensuring of stabile competitive activity of 17-22-year-old women involved in sports aerobics
Autor:Kasatkina, N.A.; Nazarenko, L.D.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2013, 5, S. 71-74, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Sports aerobics is a spectacular, aesthetically attractive, young sport, actively developing and claiming for inclusion to the program of Olympic Games. According to the results of the theoretical and methodological literature analysis devoted to the problem of improvement of efficiency of aerobic sports training, questionnaire of the leading trainers and personal research materials, the main tendencies of further development of sports aerobics are as follows: complication of competitive programs; development of new original series and transitional elements; increase of virtuosity of performance of technically compound motor actions; involvement in a composition of motor acts of different structural complicacy; enhancement of technical skills and masterly performance via reaching elegance, plasticity, grace and high virtuosity of motor performance. The purpose of the study was to reveal conditions of stable performance of the 15-17-year-old girls engaged in sports aerobics with a high level of artistry. At the present stage of social development sports aerobics is a complex process of adaptation to the evolution and the needs of the global community. Constant superiority of athletes from the same countries in traditional sports, active promotion of their spectacular variations at European and World Championships and Olympic Games resulted in the rise of new artistic aesthetic, spectator sports, with sports aerobics as one of them. Proceeding from the results of the educational experiment, the allocated educational conditions promote a significant increase of effectiveness of the training process and facilitate stabilization of performances of female athletes at competitions, proving the great value of the structural content of stability of competitive activity due to nonequivalence of its key components and different functions they perform in solution of the set task. Verf.-Referat