Стратегическото позициониране като диагностичен модел за състоянието и развитието на системата на спорта

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Bulgarisch transliterierter Titel:Strategičeskoto pozicionirane kato diagnostičen model za săstojanieto i razvitieto na sistemata na sporta
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Strategische Positionierung als diagnostisches Modell für den Zustand und die Entwicklung des Systems des Sports
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Strategic positioning as a diagnostic model for state and development of the sport system
Autor:Bankov, Petăr; Čauševa, Rada
Erschienen in:Sport & nauka
Veröffentlicht:56 (2012), 5, S. 130-140, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1310-3393, 0324-136X
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Abstract des Autors

The sport system development should be seen as ongoing process of focused and planned changes that include social, political and economic goals and technological capabilities. This defines the sport should not be regarded as a separate sphere, but as part of the public system. The current crisis in Bulgarian sport system is a result of inert management model and lack of active interaction with the socio-economic environment. Adequate sport system development requires an analysis of its structural units' activity by variety of indicators for organizational capacity and market potential. The article analyzes the correlation between the number of sports clubs, number of official events, MPES evaluation of sport federations' performance, television coverage of sport events and population participation in sports. Statistics prove that the interaction of the sport system with the public environment is far more important for the development of the sport than its functional achievements. The Bulgarian Olympic sport federations positioning to deduced factors is demonstrated on clustering base. It stands to reason the sport system needs to be evaluated not only by sport organizations performance, but also by set of the socio-economic indicators. The analyses of current and possible future positioning contribute to setting of goals and strategies by structures. We consider strategic positioning is an appropriate diagnostic model for strategic planning of resource accumulation and distribution in order to sport system development assurance. Verf.-Referat