Automatic detection of technique during on snow cross-country skiing

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Die automatische Ermittlung der Technik beim Skilanglaufen
Autor:Bortolan, L.; Pellegrini, B.; Impellizzeri, F.; Schena, F.
Erschienen in:Science and Skiing V : 5th International Congress on Science and Skiing ; St. Christoph a. A., Austria, December 14-19, 2010
Veröffentlicht:Maidenhead, Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Sport (Verlag), 2012, S. 483-491, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
Dokumententyp: Tagungsband
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This case report has shown a methodology allowing to record athlete speed, track slope, poles forces and to discriminate the technical distribution during cross-country skiing training or race simulation. The system consists of a light device and an automatic data processing that simplifies both the acquisition and the extraction of important parameters for the analysis of cross-country ski technique and that may be combined with physiological variables for examining the demands of the activity. The track used for this test and the good weather condition permitted an optimal receiving of the GPS signals and this has allowed obtaining precise altitude data even without the use of the barometric sensor. The method for the recognition of the different skiing techniques in function of the phase of the poling force seems to be accurate, even if it is not possible to discriminate double poling between kick double poling. Interesting for evaluation purposes is the possibility of assessing the maximum output power of the athletes on the field by measuring the maximum sustainable speed at different slope in a race simulation (i.e. in high ecologically valid setting). Aus dem Text