Нервно-мускулна потенциация при балистични движения на човека: физиологичен механизъм и методически особености при изследвания in vivo

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Bulgarisch transliterierter Titel:Nervno-muskulna potenciacija pri balistični dviženija na čoveka: fiziologičen mechanizăm i metodičeski osobenosti pri izsledvanija in vivo
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Neuromuskuläre Potenzierung bei ballistischen Bewegungen des Menschen: physiologischer Mechanismus und methodische Besonderheiten bei in vivo-Untersuchungen
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Neuromuscular potentiation in ballistic movements in humans: physiological mechanism and methodological characteristics of in vivo studies
Autor:Nakov, Ljudmil
Erschienen in:Sport & nauka
Veröffentlicht:56 (2012), 3, S. 73-83, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1310-3393, 0324-136X
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Abstract des Autors

Bulgarian sports biomechanics has contributed to the study of the neuromuscular potentiation in humans. In experimental studies of elite athletes it was established that there is such an optimal kinematic structure of ballistic movements, which provides maximum neuromuscular potentiation in the final effort by appropriate synergy of several physiological processes occurring in parallel: muscular pre-activation, elastic potentiation. potentiation of the contractile muscular component, functional stretch reflex and intramuscular synchronization. The author provides a brief overview of the research on the neuromuscular potentiation and argues the need for future research among contingents of elite athletes in those sports in which an essential element of the sports action is the ballistic stretch-shortening cycle of the working muscle and tendon structures. Verf.-Referat