Индивидуальные особенности личности спортсменов высокого класса (на примере стрельбы из лука)

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Russischer transliterierter Titel:Individual'nye osobennosti ličnosti sportsmenov vysokogo klassa (na primere strel'by iz luka)
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Individuelle Persönlichkeitsbesonderheiten von Sportlern hoher Klasse (am Beispiel des Bogenschießens)
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Individual features of elite athlete personality (on example of archery)
Autor:Dašinimaeva, A.C.; Romanina, E.V.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2012, 4, S. 75-78, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The purpose of the present research was to work the problem of correlation of fitness, features of hemispheric cooperation, inclination o certain dominating mental state and personal features causing success in performance of shooting exercises in shooting sport. The study revealed such archers' features as communicative energy, need for social contact, desire to master social forms of activity, aspiration to high rank; easiness of transition from one type of activity to another, rapid transition from one form of thinking to others within correlation with subject environment, strive for variety of forms of subject activity; high rate of performance of operations while realizing subject activity, motor agility, high mental rate at performance of certain tasks; developed need for analyzing of personal actions and behavior to achieve set purposes, details and development of worked programs; programs worked independently, flexible in accordance with new consequences and stable in case of troubles; development and adequacy of self-esteem, formation and stability of subjective evaluation criteria of results. Athlete is adequate in estimation of the fact of disagreement of received results and purpose of activity along with the reasons for this flexible in adapting to changed conditions, maintaining the moderate level of personal anxiety and strong need for achievement of success. The study of the athlete's personality will promote allocation of strong and weak points of his development. Knowing individual features of athlete's personality makes it possible the fullest development and effective use of his abilities. Virtually, every athlete, especially prominent one, is to have an individual system of mental training. Verf.-Referat