Сравнительое изучение скорости передвижения с мячом и без мяча нападающих и защитников 14-16 лет бразильской команды

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Russischer transliterierter Titel:Sravnitel'noe izcučenie skorosti peredviženia s mjačom i bez mjača napadajuščich i zaščitnikov 14-16 let brazil'skoj komandy
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vergleichsstudie der Bewegungsschnelligkeit mit Ball und ohne Ball bei Stürmern und Verteidigern im Alter von 14 bis 16 Jahren einer brasilianischen Mannschaft
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Comparative study of travel speed with ball and without of 14-16-year-old forwards and backs of brazilian team
Autor:Palomares, E.M.G.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2012, 4, S. 55-58, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The purpose of the present research was to estimate and compare the travel speed of players from three junior teams (14-16-year-old) distributing it to travel speed with a ball and without it in 10, 20, 30 and 50 m distance of forwards and backs. In the research the authors kept to the basic directions according to the rules and scientifically substantiated methodological acts, but at more profound study of speed in football the researchers came to the conclusion that these numbers reveal the mythic reality that can negatively influence assessment of athlete compared to others only by quantitative features not taking into account qualitative criteria. The question is how good single speed tests can show athlete's effectiveness on the field? The present paper is about only two speed types - with and without a balI, but it is obvious that while selecting players in Brazil the forward's speed is taken into account but backs are not counted. The topic is to be studied well to work the rules of estimation of the contextual speed of football players in view of all aspects related to the case making the timer a backup tool but not the one providing final results. It is impossible to agree with the fact that simple estimation of speed by the athletic model which is irreplaceable for it can be enough for assessment of speed features of professional football player. Verf.-Referat