Реабилитация футболистов после травм опорно-двигательного аппарата на основе математического моделирования силовых и аэробных тренировок

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Russischer transliterierter Titel:Reabilitacija futbolistov posle travm oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata na osnove matematičeskogo modelirovanija silovych i aerobnych trenirovok
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Rehabilitation von Fußballspielern nach Verletzungen des Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates auf der Grundlage mathematischer Modellierung der Kraft- und aeroben Trainingseinheiten
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Rehabilitation of footballers after musculoskeletal traumas based on mathematical modelling of power and aerobic trainings
Autor:Ščemenok, N.P.; Selujanov, V.N.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2012, 3, S. 40-42, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The purpose of the present research was to develop programs of exercises promoting support or even increase of the mass of myofibrils and mitochondrias in the injured muscles. Thus the researchers used the muscle mathematical model as the easiest way of development of an effective training program. In the rehabilitation period it is necessary to execute two types of exercises to support functional abilities of local muscle groups: - dynamic exercises - with resistance of 50 % of maximum, every movement is executed with nearly peak acceleration, the number of reps is regulated by the feeling from slight local fatigue, that is 7-12 reps. The rest interval is to be 60-120 seconds for full activation of aerobic processes in all muscle fibers. The number of series can be 10 to 40. The exercises can be repeated daily since they provoke peak muscle oxidation, damage of MR organelles; - statodynamic exercises with resistance of 50% of maximum are to be executed slowly, without full relaxation promoting vascular occlusion, blocking blood and oxygen access to muscle fibers. The worked rehabilitation technique including traditional medication, physiotherapy and power trainings of healthy muscle groups promotes full recovery of footballers after musculoskeletal traumas. Verf.-Referat