Психофизиологическое состояние студентов, специализирующихся в циклических видах спорта

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Russischer transliterierter Titel:Psichofiziologičeskoe sostojanie studentov, specializiruščichsja v cikličeskich vidach sporta
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Der psychophysiologische Zustand von Studenten, die sich in zyklischen Sportarten spezialisieren
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Psychophysiological condition of healthy students and ones with health disorders specialized in cyclic sports
Autor:Golikova, E.M.; Sidorova, I.G.; Kozurman, A.N.; Kolosova, E.G.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2012, 2, S. 14-17, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Psychophysical tension is a biologically appropriate adaptive response. However the acquired, excessively expressed and chronic character facilitates development of nosologic pathologies. Thus the formed stable components of conditions as a reflection of developed mechanisms of self-regulation lay the basis of successful sports activity requiring flexible and operative control over the course of training process possible only based on accurate information on psychophysical state of athlete, physical work he produced, resulting in body changes. The subjected research methods promoted allocation of the features of psychophysical state of healthy athletes and the ones with health disorders. The study facilitated expansion of the ideas on the athletes' neuromuscular state. High anxiety level negatively effects the sports result. High level of neuromuscular tension in cyclic athletes was revealed based on high physical loads serving the factor limiting sports exercise performance. The received results testify to the necessity of the earliest diagnostics of conditions of psychological distress in athletes and the necessity of search for the ways of its correction. Verf.-Referat