Mental toughness profiles and their relations with achievement goals and sport motivation in adolescent Australian footballers

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Profile mentaler Stärke und deren Zusammenhang mit Leistungszielen und Sportmotivation bei jugendlichen Australian Footballspielern
Autor:Gucciardi, Daniel F.
Erschienen in:Journal of sports sciences
Veröffentlicht:28 (2010), 6, S. 615-625, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0264-0414, 1466-447X
Online Zugang:
AU  - Gucciardi, Daniel F.
A2  - Gucciardi, Daniel F.
DB  - BISp
DP  - BISp
KW  - Australian Football
KW  - Australien
KW  - Clusteranalyse
KW  - Erwachsener
KW  - Leistungsmotivation
KW  - Leistungssport
KW  - Motivation
KW  - Sportmotivation
KW  - Sportpsychologie
KW  - Test, psychologischer
KW  - Untersuchung, empirische
KW  - Zielorientierung
LA  - eng
TI  - Mental toughness profiles and their relations with achievement goals and sport motivation in adolescent Australian footballers
TT  - Profile mentaler Stärke und deren Zusammenhang mit Leistungszielen und Sportmotivation bei jugendlichen  Australian Footballspielern
PY  - 2010
N2  - The aims of this study were to identify the mental  toughness profiles  of adolescent Australian footballers and to explore the relations between the mental toughness clusters and achievement goals and sport motivation. A total of 214 non-elite, male Australian footballers aged 16-18 years (mean = 16.8, s = 0.7) provided self-reports of mental toughness, achievement goals, and sport motivation. Cluster analysis supported the presence of two-groups in which players evidenced moderate and high levels of all four mental toughness subscales. Significant multivariate effects were observed for achievement goals and sport motivation with the high mental toughness  group favouring both mastery- and performance-approach goals and self-determined as well as extrinsic motivational tendencies. The results suggest that adolescent Australian footballers' self-perceptions of mental toughness  fall within two clusters involving high and moderate forms of all four components, and that these profiles show varying relations with achievement goals (particularly mastery-approach) and sport motivation.    Verf.-Referat
L2  -
DO  - 10.1080/02640410903582792
SP  - S. 615-625
SN  - 0264-0414
JO  - Journal of sports sciences
IS  - 6
VL  - 28
M3  - Gedruckte Ressource
ID  - PU201104003372
ER  -