The bike fit of the road professional cyclist related to anthropometric measurements and the torque of the crank (P242)

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Die Fahrradpassform beim professionellen Straßenradfahrer in Verbindung mit anthropometrischen Messungen und dem Drehmoment der Kurbel
Autor:Iriberri, Jon; Muriel, Xabier; Larrazabal, Iosu
Erschienen in:The engineering of sport 7. Volume 2: 7th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport : Paris 2008
Veröffentlicht:Paris: Springer (Verlag), 2008, S. 483-488, Lit.
Forschungseinrichtung:International Sports Engineering Association
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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It has been demonstrated that the modifications in the bike fit or the voluntary position changes affects in different parameters; cardiovascular, mechanic, pathologies, comfort. The objective of this study was to obtain new methods to optimize the fit of the competition road bicycle, according to the anthropometric variables and torque. The study group consisted of 28 male cyclist of professional U.C.I. We measured all the anthropometric variables according with the ISAK protocol. Them we measured 20 different measures of the bike, and simulated the measurements in our ergometer (SRM ergometer). We optimized the position, changing the variable lengths of the bike and the position of the cycling shoes cleats, based on the optimal crank torque. After this, we measured again the new lengths and angles, and we correlate with the anthropometric data, to obtain relation and formulas. We realised that the 21,42 % of the subject aren’t in comfort with the position obtained by our formulas. Because this, we decided to separate into tree groups; the ones who had the relation of tall/trocanter height > 1,94, between 1,88–194 and < 1,88. Then when we divided the cyclists into three groups and again we applied the new formulas for each groups, the discomfort disappear. The correlations and the obtained formulas consequently, are more precise for all groups, except group 3 with the differentiation of the groups. It has been demonstrated that exist a relation with some bicycle measures and anthropometric data. Also, we can see that just one formula for all the subjects is not very precise, the fit is better if we difference the cyclist by their anthropometric data. The success of our formulas has been demonstrated, by mechanics improvals, with always subjective comfort of the cyclist, and with no pathologic cases after our job. Verf.-Referat