Comparing depression degrees in first & last two years of starting & finishing college education among athletic and none athletic students

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vergleich der Ausmaße von Depression bei beginnender und endender Collegeausbildung in den ersten und letzten beiden Jahren unter sporttreibenden und nicht sporttreibenden Studierenden
Autor:Bagherpour, Tahereh; Shojaei, Masumeh
Erschienen in:International journal of sports science and engineering
Veröffentlicht:4 (2010), 3, S. 174-180, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1750-9831, 1750-9823
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Depression is a mental disease, there is as different degrees in people. We know that depression is not only an usual reaction in front of stress, and it doesn’t need to medicine but it is phenomenon that when understand well , millions of people can know yourselves better and full find remedy for their internal and environmental problem. One of the most important problems of humanity especially in towns and cities for youth are being depression and lack of planning for their future because of students of country should be accepted management of organs and companies in future, then they should become happy and hopeful to achieve successful. There fore we will see important developing in the country. However, some depression studies have shown physical exercise may improve a variety of physiological and psychological factors in depressive persons. However, the authors’ objective was to compare the effects of education levels on depression. Therefore problem is that how were degree of depression desperation between students of athlete and no athlete in two years beginning and end of education? A total of, 332 athlete and non athlete students educated on two years begging and end of education aged 18–24 years were randomly selected and matched in 4 groups with 83 members .These Beck’s depression questionnaires provided to subject. Data of outcome of performance were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures of test factor and paired post hoc.that score of depression on athlete group in two years begging and end of education were less than other groups (p<0.001) . these score on athlete group in two years begging and end of education were less than non athlete group in two years begging and end of education(p<0/001) . also these score on non athlete group in two years end of education were less than non athlete group in two years begining of education (p<0/001).these results are same with Mangy et al notice that compared several of factors between mountaineer and ordinal people in Italy and result of Mobility et al .on according to result, athlete group in two years end of education have less depression than athlete group in two years begging education these findings are same with result of Devin et al. The research are shown that body activates can cause decreasing stress and depression. Regular training protect mental and body’s health. Verf.-Referat