Recent advances in doping analysis (17) : Proceedings of the Manfred Donike Workshop ; 27th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis ; 1st to 6th March 2009

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Aktuelle Fortschritte in der Dopinganalyse (17) : Proceedings zum Manfred Donike Workshop ; 27. Kölner Workshop zur Dopinganalyse ; 01. bis 06. März 2009
Herausgeber:Schänzer, Wilhelm; Geyer, Hans; Gotzmann, Andrea; Mareck, Ute
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Sportverl. Strauß (Verlag), 2009, 334 S., Lit.
Ausgabe:1. Aufl.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Dokumententyp: Sammelband Tagungsband
Schriftenreihe:Recent advances in doping analysis, Band 17
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Der 27. Manfred Donike Workshop für Dopinganalyse fand vom 01. bis 06. März 2009 in Köln statt. Der im selben Jahr veröffentlichte Kongressband enthält die folgenden Beiträge: 1. R. Kazlauskas, V. Agon, C. Goebel, E. Hine, G.J. Trout: ASDTL projects 2008; 2. F. Botrè, X. de la Torre, M. Mazzarino, A. Tieri, K. Bush, D. Cowan: Are liposomes masking agents? An in-progress study; 3. P. Van Eenoo, K. Deventer, O.J. Pozo, L. Lootens, P. Van Renterghem, F.T. Delbeke: Results of several (small) research projects at DoCoLab in 2008; 4. S. Strano Rossi, D. Leone, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè: Urinary concentrations of threshold substances: a clear enough discrimination between doping and therapy? The case of ephedrines; 5. K. Deventer, O.J. Pozo, P. Van Eenoo, F.T. Delbeke: Excretion studies with thiazide diuretics; 6. C. Goebel, M. Sultani, R. Kazlauskas, G.J. Trout: Detection of low level anabolic agents by LC/MS/MS with investigation of matrix effects; 7. Y. Kucherova, B. Starcevic, B.D. Ahrens, A.W. Butch: Development of a high-throughput sample preparation procedure for gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of various classes of doping agents using a 96-well plate format; 8. M.K. Parr, N. Haenelt, G. Fußhöller, U. Flenker, H. Geyer, G. Rodchenkov, G. Opfermann, W. Schänzer: Recent steroid findings in "designer supplements"; 9. P. Van Renterghem, P. Van Eenoo, H. Geyer, W. Schänzer, F.T. Delbeke: Alternative steroid profiling: reference ranges for urinary endogenous steroids in a Caucasian population of athletes; 10. T. Sten, I. Bichlmaier, T. Kuuranne, A. Leinonen, J. Yli-Kauhaluoma, M. Finel: Genetic variability and the urinary testosterone/epitestosterone ratio; 11. M. Tsivou, D. Livadara, D.G. Georgakopoulos, M. Koupparis, J. Atta-Politou, C.G. Georgakopoulos: Stabilization of endogenous steroids in sport urine samples; 12. M.K. Parr, A. Zoellner, M. Bureik, C.A. Dragan, N. Schlörer, F. Peters, H. Maurer, W. Schänzer: Production of metandienone longterm-metabolite, 17β-hydroxymethyl-17α-methyl-18-nor-androsta-1,4,13-trien-3-one, using S. pombe based biotransformation assay; 13. E. Strahm, P.-E. Sottas, D. Dvorak, M. Saugy, C. Saudan: Steroid profiles in different ethnic groups of soccer players. A contribution to the determination of testosterone misuse in sports; 14. M. Kohler, A. Thomas, K. Walpurgis, L. Horta, W. Schänzer, M. Thevis: Detection of proteases and their proteolysis and autolysis products in urine by LC-MS; 15. S. Yang, C. He, Y. Dong, S. Wang, Y. Xu, M. Wu, Z. Jing, Q. Wu, H. Zhu, H. Pan, F. Gong, F. Gu: The use of "Kit A" for detection of rhGH doping; 16. M. Kohler, K. Püschel, A. Thomas, W. Schänzer, M. Thevis: Detection of recombinant growth hormone in plasma by a 2D-PAGE method: an update; 17. C. He, S. Yang, Y. Dong, S. Li, Y. Xu, M. Wu: Homologous blood transfusion (HBT) test by cytometry for Chinese and non-Chinese population; 18. N. Monfort, R. Ventura, A. Latorre, V. Belalcazar, M. López, J. Segura: Phthalate exposure: new clue to suspect illicit blood transfusion; 19. S. Beuck, N. Schlörer, M. Kamber, W. Schänzer, M. Thevis: Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway as target for doping purposes and mass spectrometric characterisation of orally available model HIF-stabilizers; 20. C. Reichel, T. Geisendorfer: Detection of Epo-doping in blood; 21. S. Lamon, S. Giraud, L. Egli, J. Smolander, M. Jarsch, K.-G. Stubenrauch, A. Hellwig, M. Saugy, N. Robinson: How to detect blood doping with subcutaneous or intravenous injection of C.E.R.A.; 22. A. Vonaparti, E. Lyris, I. Angelis, I. Panderi, M. Kouparis, L. Bonnington, C. Georgakopoulos: Screening of prohibited substances in human urine by a single LC-ESI-TOF-MS analysis; 23. G. Bican, V. Pop, C. Colev, M. Lamor, I. Vâjialã: Optimization and validation of the quantification of morphine from urine by triple quadrupole LC/MS2; 24. V. Gougoulidis, T. Piper, U. Flenker, W. Schänzer: Comparison of normal-phase and reverse-phase HPLC clean up for 13C/12C analysis of endogenous urinary steroids; 25. M. Kolmonen, A. Leinonen, T. Kuuranne, I. Ojanperä: Combined solid phase extraction procedure for extensive doping screening; 26. G. Muñoz, J.A. Muñoz-Guerra, F.A. Rodríguez: RRLCTM an alternative method to speed up the LC-MS/MS analysis, without lost of separation efficiency; 27. E.D. Virus, E.N. Semenistaya, T.G. Sobolevsky, G.M. Rodchenkov: Implementation of HPLC/Orbitrap mass spectrometry as screening method for doping control; 28. S. Strano Rossi, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè: A rapid method for the extraction and enantiomeric separation of amphetamine-type stimulants; 29. M. Mazzarino, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè, N. Gray, D. Cowan: A rapid screening LC-MS/MS method based on conventional HPLC pumps for the analysis of low molecular weight xenobiotics: application to doping control analysis; 30. G.J. Murray, J.P. Danaceau: Simultaneous extraction and detection of diuretics, beta-blockers and other xenobiotics in human urine by HPLC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS; 31. W. Tszyrsznic, D. Stanczyk, M. Pasik, D. Kwiatkowska, A. Pokrywka: Validation of rapid UPLC/MS/MS qualitative screening method for detection of ß-blockers in urine samples; 32. C. Gómez, R. Bergés, J. Segura, R. Ventura: Detection of mesocarb metabolites excreted free and conjugated with sulphate in human urine by UPLC-MS/MS; 33. G. Sigmund, M. Thevis, A. Koch, S. Guddat, W. Schänzer: Determination of methoxyphenamine in doping control analysis; 34. V.F. Sardela, M.R.T. Motta, M.C. Padilha, H.M.G. Pereira, F.R. Aquino Neto: Detection of sibutramine metabolites as N-TFA and N-TFA, O-TMS derivatives; 35. G. Fußhöller, W. Schänzer: Improved steroid profiling using GC tandem mass spectrometry: preliminary results; 36. T. Piper, U. Flenker, W. Schänzer: Determination of 13C/12C ratios of endogenous urinary steroids excreted as sulphates: method validation and reference population; 37. A. Beotra, S. Ahi, S. Jain: Urinary excretion profile of main mono hydroxylated metabolites of stanozolol by HPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS; 38. A. Leinonen, J. Apajalahti, T. Moisander, 0. Siikanen, T. Kuuranne, M. Lauraeus: Studies with steroids and fecal contamination of urine samples; 39. B. Salema, J.N. Ruivo, X. de la Torre, M. Sekera, L. Horta: Oxandrolone excretion: effect of caffeine dosing; 40. M. Galésio, J.L. Capelo-Martìnez, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè: Speeding up the process: ultrasounds in sample preparation for steroids analysis; 41. S. Kraiem, F. Oueslati, J. Hached, I. Trabelsi, A. Ben Romdhane, M.H. Loueslati: Contribution of ion-trap mass spectrometry in the determination of fragment origin of steroids; 42. H. Geyer, U. Mareck, N. Haenelt, W. Schänzer: Atypical steroid profiles in connection with ethanol findings in urine; 43. J.L. Du Preez, E Grobbelaar, P.J. Van Der Merwe, P.N. Badenhorst: Stability of blood baseline parameters under various storage conditions; 44. A. Gotzmann, J. Grosse, W. Schänzer: Detection of total ß-hCG in doping control – A case study; 45. A. Lüdke, U. Flenker, S. Lüdke, W. Schänzer: Influence of storage on the mobility values of human erythropoietin; 46. A. Thomas, W. Schänzer, M. Thevis: Determination of insulin to C-peptide ratios as marker for a surreptitious insulin application; 47. P. Anielski, D. Schwenke, S. Monecke, E. Jacobs, D. Thieme: Bacterial proteases in urine samples – effects on EPO analysis?; 48. F. Garribba, S. Turi, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè: Technical improvement of the screening method for the detection of erythropoietins in urine; 49. M. Mazzarino, F. Donati, X. de la Torre, F. Botrè, R.J. Huskie, D. Cowan: Development and validation of a rapid method for enzymatic digestion of HBOCs utilizing microwave irradiation; 50. A. Chammakhi, S. Kraiem, H. Loueslati: Study of r-Met-hu-G-CSF (recombinant Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) by isoelectric focusing and RP-HPLC; 51. P. Kaliszewski, D. Michalak, A. Pokrywka, D. Kwiatkowska: Validation of differential immunoassays of hGH isoforms: KIT 1 and 2; 52. A. Lüdke, S. Lüdke, E. Völker-Schänzer, W. Schänzer: Detection of Mircera in blood plasma using isoelectric focusing combined with magnetic beads purification; 53. Suknet, N. Saardpun, P. Wilairat, T. Kusamran, T. Anukarahanonta: Determination of prednisolone and prednisone in urine after therapeutic administration of an ophthalmic solution; 54. A. Beotra, S. Ahi, S. Dubey, A. Upadhyay, S. Jain: Application of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the detection of ten long-term metabolites of Prednisolone; 55. C. Rautenberg, D. Thieme: Structural investigation of candidate proteins in urine samples with demethylation activity; 56. B. Salema, J. Ruivo, X. de la Torre, M. Sekera, L. Horta: Cologne protocol efficacy: two unusual case studies; 57. C. Howe, C. Goebel, R. Kazlauskas: Current and potential doping agents identified in customs and police seizures in Australia; 58. A. Pokrywka, W. Trzyrsznic, D. Kwiatkowska: Problems of the use of pseudoephedrine by athletes; 59. M. Vahermo, A. Leinonen, T. Suominen, M. Kolmonen, T. Kuuranne, J. Yli-Kauhaluoma: Synthesis of 17-dihydroexemestane as a reference compound in doping control; 60. J.O. Thörngren, M. Garle: Determination of sulphate- and glucuronide-conjugated anabolic steroids by direct injection of urine to UPLC-MS/MS. AGa und Inhaltsverzeichnis