Mokymasis pakeičia greitų ir tikslių izometrinių susitraukimų tikslumo ir kaitumo priklausomybę nuo potenciacijos

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Motorisches Lernen verändert die Abhängigkeit der Potenzierung von der Genauigkeit und Variabilität der isometrischen Kontraktionen
Autor:Kudirkaitė, Jūratė; Skurvydas, Albertas; Lingytė, Edita
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2007, 4=50, S. 22-27, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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The aim of the study was to determine, does movement learning change the dependence of potentiation (PL) on isometric contractions (IC) accuracy and variability. The subjects were healthy, physical activity men (n = 8). Three days before the experiment, subjects were given instructions how to perform IC, as well as were allowed to familiarize with the procedure and tested the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The subjects done IC 20% MVC force after potentiation load (PL) before and after learning. They had done two series 20 speeds – accuracy IC on every 10 s rest. The first series were done with visual feedback information (VFI) and the second series without VFI. All the experiment was repeated after 9 training series. In the article presented only IC data without VFI. The data shows that 9 learning session statistically significantly decreased the accuracy (the size of constant (CE) and absolute (AE) errors) (p < 0.001), but did not change the variability (the size of variability error (VE)) (p > 0.05). Before learning muscle potentiation increased equally the size of errors (p < 0.001), but after learning did not have influence on them (p > 0.05). Thus we may state that when we learn, in a brain internal models are being formed, which enable to do speed accuracy IC accurately and with more stability not only in normal but also in potentiated muscle. Verf.-Referat