Power measurement during rowing

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Messung der Antriebskraft beim Rudern
Autor:Morgan, John; Deans, Tim; Herbert, Martin
Erschienen in:The engineering of sport 6. Volume 2: Developments for disciplines : Proceedings of the ISEA 2006 - Munich, Germany
Veröffentlicht:New York (N.Y.): Springer (Verlag), 2006, S. 99-104, Lit.
Forschungseinrichtung:International Sports Engineering Association
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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This paper describes the testing of a "simple" and relatively inexpensive method of monitoring crew performance during on-the-water rowing. Direct oar force measurement is utilised and the results obtained are compared with alternative measurable parameters. The data derived not only allows real time comparison of the useful power being delivered by each oarsman in the boat, but also enables direct observation of blade control, synchronisation, cleanness of catch and finish etc. The purpose of this paper is not necessarily to present "new" information (although where to actually find current published "on-the-water" data is still a mystery), but to demonstrate that useful feedback information for coaches can easily be obtained by very simple and relatively cheap use of basic strain gauge application. Verf.-Referat