To "pray" and not to "play"? : the function of play on the maintenance of culture in the traditional christian life

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:"Beten" statt "Spielen"? : die Funktion des Spiels auf die Kulturerhaltung des traditionellen, christlichen Lebens
Autor:Tasato, Chiyo
Erschienen in:International journal of sport and health science
Veröffentlicht:1 (2003), 1, S. 48-54, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1880-4012, 0915-3942, 1348-1509
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This paper discusses the culture maintenance function of playing by observing and studying as an example "the Hutterites," which is a religious minority group trying to stay strict Christians in the contemporary North American society, and by clarifying the reason why playing, which should be basically denied, is accepted in their daily life. Playing is not denied in the strictly disciplined society, based upon a rational interpretation by the people, which regards playing as something that contributes to the enhancement of their religious mind. Even if the pleasure is something that should be denied, it is accepted as long as it serves as materials of confession at the time of baptism and leads to the reproduction of religion, like youthful deviate behavior. Even in their strict Christian life, the Hutterite people do not feel repressed by accepting playing and live a Christian life not passively but rather actively. This paper finds that the acceptance of playing is one of the reasons of the successful maintenance of their culture for more than 450 years. Verf.-Referat