Effects of pedal biomechanics on the ventilatory threshold, VO2max and motion economy of cyclists

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Auswirkungen der Biomechanik von Pedalen auf die ventilatorische Schwelle, VO2max und Bewegungsökonomie bei Radfahrern
Autor:Kruger, P.E.; Gouws, K.; Oosthuizen, P.P.J.; Heydenrych, E.; Heerden, W. van
Erschienen in:African journal for physical health, education, recreation and dance
Veröffentlicht:7 (2001), 2 (Supplement), S. 166-184, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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As sport is one of the main features in modern day society, the research field is actively busy to improve sport in all possible ways. As it is known, the traditional cycle pedal crank has not changed for centuries. The purpose of this study was to determine whether different cycle pedal crank biomechanics would influence selected physiological parameters, including the ventilatory threshold. VO2 -max and economical motion of cyclists. Twenty subjects performed 4 tests, namely an economical movement test on the newly designed as well as the traditional pedal crank set, and a VO2- max test on the newly designed as well as the traditional pedal crank set. The tests were done over a four week period to ensure efficient recovery. The results show that VO2 scores were significantly higher (p < 0.02) when using the traditional pedal crank than the newly designed pedals. This suggests that motion economy is better with the newly designed pedal crank set. The heart rate at the ventilatory threshold was also significantly higher (p < 0.02) when using the newly designed pedal crank set, which indicates a higher workload before reaching the ventilatory threshold. No significant differences were found in VO2-max values. In conclusion, the results indicated that the newly designed pedal crank does affect some of the physiological parameters of cyclists, but it has no effect on VO2-max values. The newly designed pedal crank could be used to improve cyclist’s ventilatory threshold and better motion economy during cycling. Verf.-Referat