Liste der verbotenen Substanzen 2005 - Konsequenzen für die Behandlung von Leistungssportlern

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Autor:Striegel, Heiko; Simon, Perikles; Furian, Thimm; Nieß, Andreas Michael
Erschienen in:Sports orthopaedics and traumatology
Veröffentlicht:21 (2005), 2, S. 117-120, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0949-328X, 0177-0438, 1876-4339
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Abstract des Autors

The modifications of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the 2005 prohibited list – international standard causes some changes in the medical therapy of elite athletes. That applies not only to junior and high performance athletics, but also to senior competition athletics. Structurally, there is now a differentiation between substances and methods prohibited at all times (in- and out-of-competition) and substances and methods prohibited only in-competition. Moreover there is a differentiation between open lists and closed lists. There are three essential modifications to the content in contrast to the 2004 prohibited list. Beta-2-agonsits are now prohibited in- and out-of-competition. The use of these substances requires a therapeutic use exemption – standard application form (TUE). As an exception, Formoterol, Salbutamol, Salmeterol, and Terbutalin, when administered by inhalation require an abbreviated therapeutic use exemption (ATUE) only. Dermatological preparations of glucocorticosteroids in the form of ointments or creams are no longer prohibited. Administration of glucocorticosteroids by inhalation and non-systemic routes continues to require an ATUE. The therapy of chronic diseases, for example systemic therapy using insulin or cortisone, requires a TUE. Intravenous infusions are now listed as a prohibited method. Prohibition of intravenous infusions is not aimed at preventing their use for legitimate acute medical purposes.