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Biomechanics and medicine in swimming VIII : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming. University of Jyväskyla, Finland June 28 - July 2, 1998

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Biomechanik und Sportmedizin im Schwimmsport VIII. Beiträge des VIII. Internationalen Symposiums zur Biomechanik und Sportmedizin des Schwimmsports vom 28. Juni - 2. Juli 1998 an der Universität von Jyväskylä, Finnland
Herausgeber:Keskinen, Kari L.; Komi, Paavo V.; Hollander, A. Peter
Veröffentlicht:Jyväskylä: Press of the Univ. of Jyväskylä (Verlag), 1999, XIII, 538 S., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Dokumententyp: Sammelband
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Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming VIII is the proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming. This comprehensive book represents all major disciplines of the Swimming Science with a total of 95 articles. The contents have been organised in eleven topical chapters to help the reader find papers closely related to one another within the same chapter. The topics and their authors are: I. Biomechanics. 1. Miyashita, M.: Biomechanics of swimming; past, present and future studies. 2. Alves, F.;Cunha, P.;Gomes-Pereira, J.: Kinematic changes with inspiratory actions in butterfly swimming. 3. Barbosa, T.;Sousa, F.;Vilas-Boas, J.P.: Kinematical modifications induced by the introduction of the lateral inspiration in butterfly stroke. 4. Martins-Silva, A.;Alves, F.;Gomes-Pereira, J.: Determinant factors in a 200-m butterfly swim as related to the fluctuation in horizontal velocity of the body centre of gravity. 5. Arellano, R.;Gavilan, A.; Garcia, F.: A comparison of the underwater undulatory swimming technique in two different body positions. 6. Chollet, D.;Tourny, C.;Gleizes, F.: Evolution of co-ordination in flat breaststroke in relation to velocity. 7. Daniel, K.;Klauck, J.: Mechanical and electromyographical parameters in breaststroke pull under different moving conditions. 8. Fujishima, M.;Miyashita, M.: Velocity degradation caused by its fluctuation in swimming and guidelines for improvement of average velocity. 9. Goya, T.;Takagi, H.;Nomura, T.: Training effects on forces and turning motion during breaststroke turn. 10. Soares, P.M.;Sousa, F.;Vilas-Boas, J.P.: Differences in breaststroke synchronisation induced by different race velocities. 11. Cappaert, J.M.;VanHeest, J.L.: Angular momentum and swimming economy in the freestyle. 12. Payton, C.J.;Bartlett, R.M.;Baltzopoulos, V.: The contribution of body roll to hand speed in front crawl swimming - an experimental study. 13. Sidney, M.;Delhaye, B.;Baillon, M.;Pelayo, P.: Stroke frequency evolution during 100-m and 200-m events front crawl swimming. 14. Ohgi, Y.;Ichikawa, H.;Miyaji, C.: Characteristics of the forearm acceleration in swimming. II. Hydrodynamics. 15. Klauck, J.: Man's water resistance in accelerated motion: An experimental evaluation of the added mass concept. 16. Colman, V.;Persyn, U.;Ungerechts, B.: A mass of water added to the swimmer's mass to estimate the velocity in dolphin-like swimming below the water surface. 17. Ungerechts, B.E.;Persyn, U.;Colman, V.: Application of Vortex flow formation to self-propulsion in water. 18.Takagi, H.;Wilson, B.: Calculating hydrodynamic force by using pressure differences in swimming. 19. Shimonagata, S.;Taguchi, M.;Taba, S.;Aoyagi, M.: Estimation of propulsion and drag force in front crawl stroke. 20. Strojnik, V.;Strumbelj, B.;Bednarik, J.: Active and passive drag in swimming. 21. Kolmogorov, S.V.;Lyapin, S.K.: Biomechanics of a set of unstationary active motion of biological objects in water environment: from concepts to technologies. 22. Togashi, T.;Ohba, M.;Nomura, T.: Wave declining effect of course ropes during maximum effort swimming. 23. Fujishima, M.;Sato, Y.;Miyashita, M.: Improvement of wave absorption by a new lane marker covered with mesh. 24. Hara, H.;Onodera, S.;Shibata, Y.: The development of measuring nasal pressure in water. III. Technique Analyses. 25. Cappaert, J.M.: Biomechanics of swimming analysed by three-dimensional techniques. 26. Reischle, K.: Objectives of and requirements for technique diagnosis in swimming. 27. Haffner, M.;Cappaert, J.M.: Underwater analysis of the freestyle stroke from three different points in the stroke cycle. 28. Ichikawa, H.;Ohgi, Y.;Miyaji, C.: Analysis of stroke of the freestyle swimming using accelerometer. 29. Lyttle, A.;Blanksby, B.;Elliott, B.;Lloyd, D.: Optimal depth for streamlined gliding. 30. Rejman, M.: Dynamic criteria for description of single fin technique. 31. Strojnik, V.;Strumbelj, B.;Bednarik, J.: A comparison between front crawl and butterfly start. 32. Wilson, B.D.;Takagi, H.;Pease, D.L.: Technique comparison of pool and flume swimming. 33. Darras, N.G.: Maximum shooting velocity in water polo direct shot and shot with faints of the international level athletes participating in the 10th FINA World Cup. IV. Muscle Function. 34. Hohmann, A.;Dierks, B.;Lühnenschloss, D.;Seidel, I.;Wichmann, E.: The influence of strength, speed, motor co-ordination and technique on the performance in crawl sprint. 35. Strass, D.;Wild, M.;Hahn, A.: A comparison of maximal voluntary force during unilateral and bilateral arm extension in swimmers. 36. Dopsaj, M.;Milosevic, M.;Matkovic, I.;Arlov, D.;Blagojevic, M.: The relation between sprint ability in free-style swimming and force characteristics of different muscle groups. 37. Fomitchenko, T.G.: Relationship between sprint swimming speed and power capacity in different groups of swimmers. 38. Cardone, C.P.;Ferreira, R.E.;Moura, R.;Bernhoeft, M.F.: Isokinetic evaluation in the shoulder of the swimming athlete. V. Exercise Testing. 39. Rodriguez, F.A.: Cardiorespiratory and metabolic field testing in swimming and water polo: from physiological concepts to practical methods. 40. MacLaren, D.P.M.;Coulson, M.: Critical swim speed can be used to determine changes in training status. 41. Fernandes, R.;Vilas-Boas, J.P.: Critical velocity as a criterion for estimating aerobic training pace in juvenile swimmers. 42. Matsunami, M.;Taguchi, M.;Taimura, A.;Suyama, M.;Suga, M.;Shimonagata, S.;Aoyagi, M.;Taba, S.: Comparison of swimming speed and exercise intensity during non-invasive test and invasive test in competitive swimming. 43. Keskinen, K.L.;Keskinen, O.P.: Performance test for swimmers - a new approach utilising pace-maker lights - a pilot study. 44. Petriaev, A.;Kleschnev, I.;Kleschnev, V.: Evaluation of the stroke dynamical parameters in elite swimmers using computerised research exerciser. 45. Brito, C.A.F.;Pinto, R.F.: The validity and reproducibility of the 15-meter test for swimmers' speed. 46. Matkovic, I.;Gavrilovic, P.;Jovovic, D.;Thanopoulos, V.: Specific swimming abilities test of top Yogoslav water polo players and its validation. 47. Wirtz, W.;Bieder, A.;Wilke, K.;Klauck, J.: Semi-tethered swimming as a diagnostic tool for swimming technique and physical performance. 48. Arellano, R.;Pardillo, S.;Garcia, F.: A system for quantitative measurement of swimming technique. VI. Physical Characteristics and Performance. 49. Van Heest, J.L.: Perception of body size and weight control methods in national calibre swimmers. 50. Yanagi, H.;Tomosue, R.;Matsui, H.: Physical fitness profiles and improvements of competitive performance in three female junior swimmers. 51. Geladas, N.D.;Pavlicevic, S.: Physical and somatic traits of Greek young swimmers. 52. Yamamura, C.;Zushi, S.;Kitagawa, K.: The relationship of body dimensions, body composition and muscle strength to the performance scores in female synchronized swimmers. 53. Volkov, N.I.;Popov, O.I.: Relationship between bioenergetic criteria and ergometric parameters of sport performance in top class swimmers. 54. Daly, D.J.;Malone, L.A.;Vanlandewijck, Y.;Steadward, R.D.: Race parameters and classification in the 100-m breaststroke at the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games. 55. Daly, D.J.;Malone, L.A.;Vanlandewijck, Y.;Steadward, R.D.: Analysis of the men's 100-m freestyle at the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games. 56. Sokolovas, G.: Biological maturation of swimmers. 57. Vorontsov, A.;Binevsky, D.;Filonov, A.;Korobova, E.: The impact of individuals� maturity upon strength in young swimmers. 58. Vorontsov, A.R.;Dyrco, V.V.;Binevsky, D.A.;Solomatin, V.R.;Sidorov, N.N.: Patterns of Growth for some characteristics of physical development, functional and motor abilities in boy-swimmers 11-18 years. VII. Exercise Physiology. 59. Hoshijima, Y.;Torigoe, Y.;Yamamoto, K.;Nishimura, M.;Abo, S.;Imoto, N.;Miyachi, M.;Onodera, S.: Effects of music rhythm on heart rate and oxygen uptake during squat exercises in water and on land. 60. Ma, L.;Zhang, W.;Chen, Q.;Zhang, Y.: The maximal aerobic power and anaerobic thresholds in Chinese girl-swimmers and their relationship with the best swimming performance. 61. Matsui, T.;Miyachi, M.;Saito, T.;Nakahara, H.;Koeda, M.;Hayashi, N.;Onodera, S.: Cardiovascular responses during moderate water exercise and following recovery. 62. Nishimura, M.;Yamamoto, K.;Hoshijima, Y.;Torigoe, Y.;Yamaguchi, H.;Miyachi, M.;Onodera, S.: Effect of relaxation in salt water on heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen uptake. 63. Onodera, S.;Miyachi, M.;Yano, H.;Yano, L.;Hoshijima, Y.;Harada, T.: Effect of buoyancy and body density on energy cost during swimming. 64. Taylor, S.R.;MacLaren, D.P.M.: The relationship between blood lactate concentration and rate of perceived exertion in competitive swimmers. 65. Swaine, I.L.;Doyle, G.: Relationships between the mean arm-pulling and leg-kicking power output of semitethered and simulated front crawl swimming. 66. Volkov, N.I.;Smirnov, V.V.: Intermittent hypoxia and interval hypoxic training in swimming. 67. Yamamoto, K.;Miyachi, M.;Hara, S.;Yamaguchi, H.;Onodera, S.: Effects of a floating swimsuit on oxygen uptake and heart rate during swimming. VIII. Training Effects. 68. Costill, D.L.: Training adaptations for optimal performance. 69. Konstantaki, M.;Winter, E.M.;Swaine, I.L.: The effects of arms- or legs-only training on indices of swimming performance and dry-land endurance in swimmers. 70. Scartoni, F.R.;Brandao, C.;Vale, G.;Dantas, E.H.M.: Heart Rate and respiratory frequency responses during aerobic and hydroaerobic classes. 71. Wakayoshi, K.;Tatesada, E.;Ono, K.;Terada, A.;Ogita, F.: Blood lactate response to various combinations of swimming velocity and rest period of interval training. 72. Prado, L.S.: Different lactate, ammonia and cathecholamine metabolism in children and adults after supramaximal exercise in swimming. 73. Bulgakova, N.J.;Kovalev, N.V.;Volkov, N.I.: Interval hypoxia training enhance effects of physical loads in swimming. 74. Nomura, T.;Mankyu, H.;Ohba, M.: Repeated altitude training effects on elite swimmers. 75. Ogita, F.;Tabata, I.: The effect of high intensity intermittent training under a hypobaric hypoxic condition on anaerobic capacity and maximal oxygen uptake. IX. Sport Coaching and Training. 76. Chatard, J.-C.;Mujika, I.: Training load and performance in swimming. 77. Dopsaj, M.;Matkovic, I.: The structure of technical and tactical activities of water polo players in the first Yugoslav league during the game. 78. Issurin, V.B.;Kaufman, L.E.;Tenenbaum, G.: Performance enhancement of top-level swimmers by velocity regimes modelling. 79. Nomura, T.;Wakayoshi, K.;Okuno, K.: Estimation of 200-m record from 100-m record with consideration of a swimmer's speciality in freestyle swimming race. 80. Santos Silva, J.V.: Velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and stroke index values of a female swimming team during a short course competitive season. 81. Sardella, F.;Pulejo, C.;Caserotti, P.: VO2max during swimming flume and treadmill tests: specific adaptations in over sixty swimmers. 82. Shimoyama, Y.;Nomura, T.: Role of rest interval during interval training at OBLA speed. 83. Smyshlyev, D.: The planning of young swimmers' technical training and analysis of mistakes in swimming technique. X. Sport Pedagogy and Sport Psychology. 84. Persyn, U.;Colman, V.: Challenges in kinesiological diagnosis of swimmers - a pedagogical approach. 85. Strass, D.;Bäurle, W.: Principles of swimming propulsion and issues of teaching: using practical experiments to enhance understanding of lift principle and Magnus-effect. 86. Persyn, U.;Colman, V.: Problems of physical education students in making a kinesiological diagnosis of swimmers. 87. Numminen, P.;Sääkslahti, A.: Water as a stimulant for infants' motor development. 88. Jukov, R.: Age peculiarities of school children's swimming technique instruction. 89. De Martelaer, K.;De Knop, P.;Theebom, M.;Harthoorn, S.: Youth-centred swimming: a matter of policy and pedagogy. 90. De Martelaer, K.;De Knop, P.;Vanden Auweele, Y.;Wylleman, P.: Research into the interpersonal relationship coach-athlete in organised youth swimming. 91. Mossounov, D.F.;Kubasov, A.V.;Kovaleva, L.Y.;Irapetyan, V.H.: Pedagogical hydro-rehabilitation XI. Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. 92. Sugano, A.;Nomura, T.;Kerr, J.H.: Psychological benefits of water exercise for low back pain patients. 93. T'Jonck, L.;Colman, V.;Persyn, U.;De Weerdt, W.;Lysens, R.: The effect of water running on the functional rehabilitation of medial tibial stress syndrome. 94. Elhage, W.;Helena, L.: Shoulder pain in a young swimmer: a loophole in diagnostics. 95. Olm, T.: Gender differences in the heart dimensions of young swimmers. Aus dem Vorwort und Inhaltsverzeichnis