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Psychology of sport and exercise : enhancing the quality of life ; proceedings of the 10th European Congress of Sport Psychology - FEPSAC, Prague 1999. Part 1

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Sportpsychologie : Verbesserung der Lebensqualität ; Fortschritte des 10. Europäischen Kongresses für Sportpsychologie - FEPSAC, Prag 1999 . Teil 1
Herausgeber:Hosek, Vaclav; Tilinger, Pavel; Bilek, Lubos
Veröffentlicht:Prag: Univerzita Prag (Verlag), 1999, 335 S., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Schriftenreihe:Proceedings of the ... European Congress of Sport Psychology, Band 10,1
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Der Sammelband enthaelt folgende Beitraege: 1. Fox, K.: Self-esteem and quality of life in exercise and sport. 2. Fuchs, R.: Psychology's contribution to the promotion of physical activity: the Berlin exercise stage model. 3. Hosek, V.: Physical activity and the quality of life. 4. Moran, A.: Concentration in sport: new horizons. 5. Papaioannou, A.: Towards multidimensional hierarchical models of motivation in sport. 6. Adams, J.;Kirkby, R.: Exercise dependence as a primary disorder. 7. Al-Abood, S.;Bennett, S.;Burwitz, L.;Davids, K.: Visual modeling and discovery learning as constraints on the acquisition of coordination. 8. Alves, J.;Belga, P.;Brito, A.P.: Mental training and motor learning in volleyball. 9. Alves, J.;Lucia, G.;Passarinho, J.: Imagery in basketball - contribution to free throw accuracy. 10. Aplin, N.;Saunders, J.S.: Values associated with sport in Singapore junior colleges. 11. Araujo, D.;Serpa, S.: Dynamic decision making in sport: expertise in sailing. 12. Armoniene, J.: Students' physical activity at Vilnius university. 13. Auweele, Y.: Social psychology of physical education. 14. Bakker, F.: Psychological outcomes of physical education. 15. Bakker, F.;Oudejans, R.;Pijpers, J.R.: Perceiving and realizing affordances in sport. 16. Bardaxoglou, N.: Counselling for disabled people in sport transition. 17. Basini, H.;Cockeril, I.M.: Perceptions of body image among elite female gymnasts: a personal construct approach. 18. Basson, C.J.: Ecological self imagery and performance enhancement. 19. Beamer, M.;Cote, J.: A comparison between international and provincial level gymnasts in their pursuit of sport expertise. 20. Berger, B.: Personal meaning in physical activity: a heuristic view. 21. Bhum, D.;Morris, T.: Effects of physical and psychological stressors on central and peripheral visual attention. 22. Biddle, S.;Ntoumanis, N.: Motivational climate in physical activity: a meta-analysis of cognitive and affective outcomes. 23. Biddle, S.;Soos, I.;Chatzisarantis, N.: Predicting physical activity intentions through self-determination and goal theories. 24. Biddle, S.: The changing self in exercise and sport: perceptions of control and autonomy. 25. Birmingham, R.;Kirkby, R.J.: Perceived advantages, disadvantages and obstacles to exercise during pregnancy. 26. Birrer, D.;Seiler, R.: Quality management in applied sport psychology: A project for the professionalization of sport psychology services in Switzerland. 27. Biscomb, K.: Exercise dependence syndrome: an in-depth interview approach with participants and significant others. 28. Blumenstein, B.;Bar-Eli, M.: The Wingate 5/step approach for mental preparation. 29. Blumenstein, B.: Mental training with biofeedback in combat sport. 30. Boschker, M.;Bakker, F.C.;Michaels, C.F.: Sport climbing: perceiving nested affordances. 31. Boutcher, S.;Godbeer, S.;Nurhayati, Y.: The effect of music on perceived exertion and affect during cycle ergometry exercise. 32. Brandao, R.;Winterstein, P.: Stress factors in professional soccer players inventory. 33. Bronikowski, M.: How do we educate somebody morally? 34. Bronikowski, M.;Janowska, M.;Krol-Zielinska, M.;Muszkieta, R.: Frequency and forms of sport activities undertaken by children from nursery, primary and secondary schools. 35. Brunel, P.: Motivational climate and goal orientations: reasons for emphasizing mastery climate. 36. Cappelletti, C.;Cappelletti, S.: Ideo-motor method and scoliosis. 37. Carlsson, B.: Task & ego orientation in youth soccerplayers. 38. Cecic-Erpic, S.: Differences between voluntary and involuntary sport career termination. 39. Cloke, T.A.F.;Franks, P.W.;Boutcher, S.H.: Cardiovascular response to relaxing and energising mental imagery. 40. Cury, F.L.;De Tonac, A.;Sot, V.: An underexplored aspect of achievement goals theory in sport: development and predictive validity of the approach and avoidance achievement in sport questionnaire (AAASQ). 41. Delignieres, D.;Nourit, D.;Deschamp, D.;Lauriot, T.;Caillou, N.: Dynamical modeling of ski stimulator's platform motion. 42. Digelidis, N.;Papaioannou, A.;Laparidis, K.: Goal orientations, perceived motivational climate, perceived ability and sport ability beliefs. 43. Douka, A.: About two types of athletes' personality. 44. Dorobantu, M.;Ravnholt, J.: Evaluating the effectiveness of an imagery training educational workshop for national Danish coaches. 45. Duda, J.;Newton, M.;Yin, Z.: Within-team variation in perceptions of the motivational climate and its predictors. 46. Duda, J.;Martinez, C.;Balaguer, I.: The perceived motivational climate and psychological well-being among Spanish artistic gymnasts. 47. Ewing, M.E.: The role of parents and coaches in the transition of youth in sports. 48. Farrington, T.: The exercise identity measurement scale. 49. Faulkner, G.;Biddle, S.: Exercise as therapy for schizophrenia: a review. 50. Fialova, L.;Mrazek, J.;Bykhovskaya, I.: Physical activity and the self of adolescents in Prague, Moscow and Cologne. 51. Fox, K.R.: Physical self-perceptions and self-esteem in obese adults participating in an exercise and weight loss programm: structure and patterns of change. 52. Franke, R.: Termination of athletic careers in elite sport. 53. Franks, P.W.;Boutcher, S.H.: Cardiac reactivity of aerobically trained and untrained pre-teenage boys to mental challenge. 54. Gaibov, R.G.;Garayev, M.G.: Investigation of functional condition of young footballers in the before competition stage. 55. Georgiadis, M.;Biddle, S.: Self-determination, achievement goal orientations & physical self-worth. 56. Gonzalez, A.M.: Relationships among exercise identity and exercise behavior in physical education students. 57. Goudas, M.;Bagiatis, K.: Differences in students' motivation in physical education according to their participation in sports. 58. Gracz, J.: Sports situation - psychosocial prototype. 59. Graydon, J.;Palser, S.: Do females always feel vulnerable with masculine type task? 60. Gregory, L.M.;Hall, H.K.;Kozub, S.A.;Kerr, A.W.: The influence of perfectionism in sport. 61. Grigore, V.;Burchel, L.: The impact of the economical transition upon sport retirement in Romania. 62. Gubelmann, H.;Schmid, J.: Use of psychological testing in competitive sports: a case-study. 63. Guillet, E.;Sarrazin, P.: Understanding drop out in female handball: test of vallerand's hierarchical model of motivation. 64. Hagger, M.: Using and expectancy - value paradigm in the measurement of physical self perceptions. 65. Hall, H.K.;Kozub, S.A.;Gregory, L.;Kerr, A.W.: The development of perfectionism and the influence of parents. 66. Hall, H.K.;Kozub, S.A.;Gregory, L.;Kerr, A.W.: Perfectionism and its relationship with achievement cognition, affect and behaviour. 67. Hall, H.K.;Kozub, S.A.;Gregory, L.;Kerr, A.W.: The influence of perfectionism on state anxiety in prospective physical educations teachers. 68. Hall, H.K.;Kozub, S.A.;Gregory, L.;Kerr, A.W.: Perfectionism: the construction, its measurement, and its potential for influencing adaptive and maladaptive achievements striving. 69. Hanin, Y.: Sports-specific emotion-motivational profiling: an individualised assessment programme. 70. Harwood, C.;Hardy, L.: Achievement goals in competitive sport: a critique of conceptual and measurement issues. 71. Hatlova, B.;Spurkova, A.: Kinesiotherapy in the treatment of long term hospitalized schizophrenic patients. 72. Hatzigeorgiadis, A.;Biddle, S.: Relationship between goal orientation, self-consciousness and thoughts of escape athletes experience during competition. 73. Heuze, J.: Influence of competitive context on social loafing. 74. Hogenova, A.: On the role of experience in the philosophy of the olympic games. 75. Holland, A.;Farrington, T.: Children's physical self perception and anxiety towards participation in physical education. 76. Chi, Likang: The affects of goal orientation and perceived competence on RPE, affect, and performance during a submaximal exercise. 77. Chow Wah, E.: Increasing predictive power goal orientations on physical self-worth and self-esteem by the use of more differentiated conceptions of success. 78. Chroni, S.: Professional polo players' understanding of competitiveness. 79. Isberg, L.: Coaching during elite football games. 80. Jaakkola, T.;Pakkala, P.;Piirainen, U.;Liukkonen, J.;Kokkonen, J.;Telama, R.: The reliability and validity of the observation scale of the motivational climate in P.E. lessons. 81. Janak, V.;Slepicka, P.;Kavalir, P.: Social and psychological background of football spectators in Czech Republic. 82. Jansa, P.;Valkova, H.: The dimensions for interpersonal behaviour of socially accepted / unaccepted groups of youngsters. 83. Jansson, J.;Soderfjell, S.: Here is a shrink in the team! A model for mental training in team sports. 84. Jansson, J.;Molander, B.: To move or not to move: differences in head movements between younger and older golf players. 85. Johnson, U.;Bakkioui, S.: Predictive validity of the inventory "questionnaire - psychosocial risk factors and sports injury" (Q-PRSI) on a sample of long-term injured competitive athletes. 86. Jowett, S.;Meek, G.: A preliminary conceptualisation of the coach-athlete relationship. 87. Kakkos, V.;Psychoudaki, M.;Stavrou, N.;Zervas, Y.: Psychological assessment procedures for young athletes Part 1: Development of instruments. 88. Karastogiannidou, C.;Theodorakis, Y.;Papaioannou, A.: Health-related attitudes, intentions and behaviors of Greek university students. 89. Kavussanu, M.;Roberts, G.: Predicting moral functioning in college athletes: the contribution of goal orientations, perceived motivational climate, and team norms. 90. Kellmann, M.;Scott, B.M.: German athletes' attitudes toward seeking sport psychology consultation. 91. Kirchhof, O.: Individual vs. collective attributions and efficacy - expectations in soccer teams acutely threatened by relegation. 92. Klatchko, I.;Bar-Eli, M.: Shaping performance of elite athletes in competition: some theoretical considerations. 93. Kokkonen, J.;Jaakkola, T.;Pollanen, J.;Liukkonen, J.;Sepponen, K.: Motivational climate and intrinsic motivation towards P.E. Lessons - cross-cultural comparison between Finland and Russia. 94. Kozub, S.;Hall, H.;Gregory, L.: Perfectionism in a group context: possible directions for future research. 95. Krawczynski, M.;Tlokinski, W.: The feeling of being the maker and the importance of goal among the young students of a sport school. 96. Krejci, M.: Use of yoga in a resocialization process. 97. Lavallee, D.;Wylleman, P.: Toward an instrument to assesses the quality of adjustment to career transitions in sport: the British athlete lifestyle assessment needs in career and education (balance) scale. 98. Le Scanff, C.: Self-presentational concerns and performance among female gymnasts. 99. Leitao, J.;Biddle, S.;Serpa, S.: Leadership behaviour and group cohesion in soccer teams. 100. Lejeune, L.;Leroy, D.;Jouen, F.: Proprioceptive perception of vertical and sports training. Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis