Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body fluid compartments after acute variations of the body hydration level

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Validitaet der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse in der Bestimmung der Koerperwasserkompartimente nach akuten Schwankungen des Hydratationsstatus des Koerpers
Autor:Koulmann, N.; Jimenez, C.; Regal, D.; Bolliet, P.; Launay, J.C.; Savourey, G.; Melin, B.
Erschienen in:Medicine and science in sports and exercise
Veröffentlicht:32 (2000), 4, S. 857-864, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0195-9131, 1530-0315
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Abstract des Autors

Physiological measurements including body mass, plasma osmolality, natremia, plasma volume measured by Evans Blue dilution, and total body water (TBW) and extracellular water (ECW) volumes estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) were recorded in eight healthy young Caucasian subjects before and after acute variations of their body hydration state on four separate occasions: 1) euhydration or control trial (C); 2) heat-induced dehydration of 2.8% body mass (D); 3) exercise-induced dehydration of 2.8% body mass (E); and 4) glycerol-hyperhydration (H). Heart rate, rectal and mean skin temperatures were also recorded throughout the experiment. The main result of the study is that BIA only half predicted the body water loss after exercise, although conditions were standardized (electrode placement, side of the body, limb position, posture, and ambient temperature). Differences in body temperatures cannot explain such an unexpected result, nor did the study of plasma osmolality and sodium concentration. If BIA appears to adequately predict changes in TBW after heat-induced dehydration and glycerol hyperhydration, further studies including measures of TBW and ECW by dilution tracer methods would be necessary to establish the validity of using the BIA method to measure such changes and to interpret ECW variations. Verf.-Referat