Strength training for seniors. An instructor guide for developing safe and effective programs

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Krafttraining fuer aeltere Menschen: ein Handbuch fuer Uebungsleiter zur Entwicklung sicherer und effektiver Programme
Autor:Westcott, Wayne L.; Baechle, Thomas R.
Veröffentlicht:Champaign: Human Kinetics (Verlag), 1999, VIII, 224 S., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Research indicates that older adults may experience many health-related benefits from a sensible program of strength exercise that is performed at a relatively high-effort level. Some of the possible benefits include the following: 1) Better body composition, 2) increased metabolic rate, 3) decreased low back comfort, 4) reduced arthritic pain, 5) increased bone mineral density, 6) enhanced glucose utilization, 7) faster gastrointestinal transit, 8) reduced resting blood pressure, 9) improved blood lipid profiles, 10) improved coronary performance, 11) enhanced self-confidence, 12) relieved depression. This book includes: 1) General guidelines for senior strength training; 2) Specific teaching strategies and training procedures; 3) Detailed instructions and illustrations for free-weight and machine exercises; 4) Sample 10-week free-weight and machine workout programs; 6) Alternative exercises using bodyweight and elastic bands; 7) Practical methods for assessing progress; 8) Nutritional guidelines. Verf.-Referat