Effect of exercise on the concentration of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the blood plasma and erythrocytes of weightlifters

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Auswirkung einer Trainingseinheit auf die Konzentrationen der TBARS im Plasma und in den Erythrozyten von Gewichthebern
Autor:Drewa, G.; Wozniak, Andrzej; Chesy, G.; Rakowski, A.; Wozniak, B.; Wozniak, J.
Erschienen in:Biology of sport
Veröffentlicht:16 (1999), 2, S. 105-112, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0860-021X, 2083-1862
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Abstract des Autors

The study was conducted in 8 weightlifters subjected to a single training session. Venous blood samples were taken prior to the exercise and 24 hrs afterwards. Additionally, venous blood samples were taken from ten untrained men (control group). Concentrations of TBARS were measured in the blood plasma and erythrocytes and the activity of CK was estimated in the serum. The statistically significant elevations in the TBARS concentration were detected in erythrocytes of the weightlifters at both one and 24 hrs after the exercise (at these times the respective values were 106.0+/-17.8 and 123.7+/-23.9 nmol MDA/g Hb). One hour after the exercise, the CK activity was significantly increased in the serum of the sportsmen reaching the value of 456.2+/-113.4 IU/I. Finally, a positive correlation was detected between the concentrations of TBARS in the blood plasma or in the erythrocytes and the CK activity in the serum (r=0.741, P<0.05 and r=0.813, P<0.05, respectively). Verf.-Referat