El ejercicio fisico aerobico como posible causa de lesion renal

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Koerperliche Ausdauerbelastung als moegliche Ursache fuer Nierenschaeden
Autor:Perez, R.; Paz, J.A. de; Bustamente, J.; Villa, J.G.
Erschienen in:Apunts / Medicina de l'esport
Veröffentlicht:34 (1999), 130, S. 25-31, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0212-4009, 0213-3717
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To see if the physical aerobic activity affects the kidney and in wich way, we subject a homogeneous group of people of same age and anthropometric data to a controlled physic exercise of submaximum intensity. During the activity each person must pedal in a bicycle ergometer at an intensity of 65% of his maximum VO2. Before and after activity a sample of urine will be taken to analyse B-2-M, N.A.G., protein and urinary sediment and also the presence of haematuria. The results show that there are important differences in the proteins, B-2-M and N.A.G. when comparing the obtained values in complete rest and those after the activity, the latter being higher. The consulted writers agree in general with our results, therefore we can state that after an activity of submaximum intensity there can be some renal changes of tubular origin, which can disappear some days after without leaving any consequences. Verf.-Referat