L'inaptitude a la pratique de l'education physique et sportive - etude dans une cite scolaire de 2300 eleves

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Attestierte Unfähigkeit, am Schulsport teilzunehmen - eine Untersuchung an einer Schulanstalt mit 2300 Schuelern
Autor:Galparoli, M.; Laure, P.
Erschienen in:Science & sports
Veröffentlicht:14 (1999), 2, S. 101-103, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0765-1597, 1778-4131
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Abstract des Autors

In France, children and adolescents who are not attending gymnastics classes for a more than 3-month period have to provide medical certificate proving their (temporary or not) disability. The present prospective survey included 2,280 children and adolescents attending a school located in Moselle (eastern France) and documents reasons for not attending gymnastics classes. Among the 2,280 children/adolescents (mean age 17.1+/-2.3 years), eighty-three (3.6%) had not attended gymnastics classes for more than 3 months. There was no difference according to the gender. Disability was correlated with poor scholar background. Though musculoskeletal disorders represented two thirds of the encountered disabilities, these were not justified in 29% of the cases. Altogether, few children and adolescents did not attend gymnastics classes for more than 3 months. However, this survey uncovered pychosocial disorders in various cases. Verf.-Referat