Validation of a mathematical model for road cycling power

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Validierung eines mathematischen Modells zur Berechnung der im Strassenradsport einzusetzenden Kraft
Autor:Martin, J.C.; Milliken, D.L.; Cobb, J.E.; McFadden, K.L.; Coggan, A.R.
Erschienen in:Journal of applied biomechanics
Veröffentlicht:14 (1998), 3, S. 276-291, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (Datenträger)
ISSN:1065-8483, 1543-2688
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Abstract des Autors

This investigation sought to determine if cycling power could be accurately modeled. A mathematical model of cycling power was derived, and values for each model parameter were determined. A bicycle-mounted power measurement system was validated by comparison with a laboratory ergometer. Power was measured during road cycling, and the measured values were compared with the values predicted by the model. The measured values for power were highly correlated (R**2=.97) with, and were not different than, the modeled values. The standard error between the modeled and measured power (2.7 W) was very small. The model was also used to estimate the effects of changes in several model parameters on cycling velocity. Over the range of parameter values evaluated, velocity varied linearly (R**2>.99). The results demonstrated that cycling power can be accurately predicted by a mathematical model. Verf.-Referat