Manual asymmetry in weight discrimination: sex and hand preference effects

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Manuelle Asymmetrie bei der Unterscheidung von Gewichten: die Auswirkungen von Geschlecht und Haendigkeit
Autor:Grouios, G.; Tsorbatzoudis, H.
Erschienen in:Journal of human movement studies
Veröffentlicht:34 (1998), 6, S. 255-270, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Manual asymmetry in the one-handed consecutive discrimination of lifted weights was investigated as a function of sex and hand preference. Just noticeable differences (JNDS) were measured for the dominant and non-dominant hand of left and right-handed male and female subiects. JNDS were found to be significantly lower a) on the non-dominant than on the dominant hand of our subjects and b) in males than in females when tested with the non-dominant hand. These results establish the existence of a manual asymmetry for the discrimination of lifted weights with the advantage accruing for the male subjects and for the hand contralateral to the non-language cerebral hemisphere. The relative contributions of these findings to motor skill acquisition are discussed. Verf.-Referat