Mature aged sport: a selective bibliography

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Alterssport: eine Auswahlbibliographie
Autor:Davis, Jodie
Veröffentlicht:Belconnen: Australia / Sports Commission (Verlag), 1993, 1993. 110 S., Lit., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Schriftenreihe:Occasional bibliography, Band Bd. 5
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This is a collection of over 400 references concerned with mature aged sport. With the growing number of active participants in the over 50, over 65 and older age-groups the interest and research into the unknown aspects of physical activity and ageing is gaining momentum. The future offers greater quality of life for a longer span and exercise, physical activity and sport will play an expanding role for a growing number of the population. This collection is concerned with information pertaining to: mature aged, masters, master athlete, veteran, aged or older adults and sport, exercise, physical activity and/or recreation, published in the English language after 1987 (references published prior that have been indexed on Sport database since 1987 are also included). Some research based on older adults in institutions is also included, under the concept of physiological testing or exercise program, despite the absence of a direct link with sport or exercise. A large amount of the literature appears in specialist periodicals in the medical, gerontological and psychological streams and as such is not held by the NSIC. References were gathered from the Sport Discus, Sport, and Medline Databases as well as the Journal Documentation Service operating at the National Sport Information Centre and includes books, journal articles, pamphlets, conference proceedings and microform documents. Fifteen sections have been designated for the topic. These are: 1. GENERAL REFERENCES: dealing with references aimed at the topic in general as an introduction, discussion, review, commentary or overview presentation. 2. ADMINISTRATION: dealing with policies and procedures, tournament administration and guidelines, certification and legislation. 3. BENEFITS AND EFFECTS: dealing with references presenting the outcomes of exercise and physical activity on older adults. Slowing the ageing process, increasing quality of life and why should older individuals exercise are topics included in this section. 4. BIOGRAPHY: offers biographical references concerning master athletes that have achieved in their quest, whatever it may be. 5. BIOMECHANICS: offers references that evaluate the mechanics, efficiency, contributions and outcomes of various research projects concerning mature aged adults. 6. COMPETITION: dealing with the structure and reports from senior Olympics, World Senior Games, Masters Nationals (U.S), World Veteran Games and local competitions. 7. CONDITIONING AND TRAINING: offers references to weight and strength training for the older adult, aerobics, water and other exercise varieties. 8. EXERCISE PROGRAMS AND PRESCRIPTION: deals with references that pertain to full programs developed for single or multipurpose use. Also included are those references that examine constructing or prescribing exercise/activity programs, with guidelines, principles and considerations presented. 9. MEDICINE AND INJURY: offers a range of references on risk factors, injuries, medical conditions, safety precautions and sudden death. A range of levels from basic safety to advanced lumbar spine surgery. 10. NUTRITION: offers references dealing with energy expenditure, diet and nutrition specifically. 11. PARTICIPATION: details references pertaining to participation of older athletes in sport and exercise. Motivation, constraints, opportunities, involvement, perceptions, attitudes and the role of physical activity in life, is the subject of this section. 12. PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY: offers references pertaining to physiological aspects, involving older adults and physical activity. Physiological responses to testing, effects of ageing on systems, lactate measurements, cardiovascular responses, clinical trials, strength and muscle function, metabolic and neurophysiological aspects, inactivity effects, overtraining, peak anaerobic power, hormonal characteristics, ECG readings, vasodilatory capacity and perceived exertion are detailed. 13. PSYCHOLOGY: details psychological variables in older adults, including mood states, motivation, attention, well-being, cognitive behaviour, happiness, adherence, self-perception and depression. 14. SOCIOLOGY AND HISTORY: presents references that deal with historical, sociological, demographical, economical, cultural and gender-based discussion on older athletes. Some quality-of-life discussion is also present. 15. SPORT SPECIFIC REFERENCE: dealing with any of the above categories in reference to a particular sport or competition. Sports include: baseball, climbing, cycling, dance, golf, martial arts, netball, orienteering, rowing, running, skiing, swimming, Tai chi, track and field, wheelchair sports and windsurfing. Einleitung und Inhaltsverzeichnis