A three-dimensional analysis on mechanical energy flows of torso and arm segments in baseball throw

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Eine dreidimensionale Analyse des Fliessens der mechanischen Energie durch Rumpf- und Armsegmente im Baseballwurf
Autor:Miyanishi, T.; Fujii, N.; Ae, M.; Kunugi, Y.; Okada, M.
Erschienen in:Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine
Veröffentlicht:46 (1997), 1, S. 55-67, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0039-906X, 1881-4751
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Abstract des Autors

Twenty-four male university baseball players were each requested to throw a baseball, and filmed using the direct linear transformation method of three-dimensional (3D) videography. 3D coordinates of landmarks were obtained. Resultant joint forces and resultant joint torques in the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, and upper torso joints were calculated using the inverse dynamics method. The mechanical powers caused by the resultant joint forces (joint force power) and by the resultant joint torques (joint torque power) of each segment were calculated, and the mechanical work was also obtained by integrating the joint torque powers with time. Peak values of energies of the upper torso, upper arm, forearm, hand, and ball appeared in sequence from the proximal segment to the distal segment. The joint force powers in any segment were markedly larger than the joint torque powers. Little joint torque power was produced in the wrist throughout the throwing motion. The negative joint force power and joint torque power at the proximal end of the upper torso were rapidly increased immediately after the foot contact stride. It was clarified that the appearance of the large energies in the distal throwing arm segments during the final phase of throwing motion were caused mainly by transfer of the energies produced by the motions of the torso and shoulder joints. This paper discusses the mechanical energy flows of the upper torso and upper limb segments during the motion of baseball throwing. Verf.-Referat