Comparison of sweat rate measured by a pouch collector and a hygrometric technique during exercise

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vergleich der quantitativen Bestimmung der Schweissausscheidung unter koerperlicher Belastung mittels Beutelschweiszsammler oder hygrometrisch
Autor:Boisvert, P.; Desruelle, A.V.; Candas, V.
Erschienen in:Canadian journal of applied physiology
Veröffentlicht:22 (1997), 2, S. 161-170, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1066-7814, 1543-2718
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Abstract des Autors

Measurements of local sweat rate (back) determined with a closed-pouch collector made of polyethylene (110 cm**2) were compared with those obtained from a ventilated capsule using an infrared photometric hygrometer technique. Eight young male subjects underwent three exercise sessions each for 60 min at 45% VO2max on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature of 35øC and 35% relative humidity. When the onset and transient sweating periods (0-20 min) are excluded from calculations, the difference between the mean values obtained by the collector and the sweat capsule during the 20-60 time period is only 0.06+/-0.04 mg/cm**2/min (5%). Although a significant correlation (r=.74, p<.05) was obtained between methods, individual differences in sweat-rate measurements varied on average +/-0.22 mg/cm**2/min (+/-19%). Designed more specifically for sweat-content analysis, the pouch collector may serve as a satisfactory field method to approximate the local sweat rate and excretion induced by prolonged exercise in a hot environment. Verf.-Referat