Therapeutische Arthroskopie des Kniegelenkes: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

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Englischer übersetzter Titel:Therapeutic knee arthroscopy: Options and limitations
Autor:Gradinger, R.; Rechl, H.; Flock, K.; Weinhart, H.
Erschienen in:Sport und Medizin pro und contra / 32. Deutscher Sportärzte-Kongress, München 1990
Veröffentlicht:München: Zuckschwerdt (Verlag), 1991, S. 341-343, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Bircher in 1921 was the first to report on knee arthroscopy, already indicating surgical options in meniscal lesions. It was in the last two decades that arthroscopy had a major breakthrough not only in diagnostics but also in surgical treatment of knee injuries. First, the procedure was controversial, but soon was applied with great enthusiasm. Lately, it has been regarded more critically again. It is beyond discussion that arthroscopy has proved to be valuable in partial meniscal resections and removal of loose bodies. A shortening of hospitalization was the result. An extension of surgical indications led to different applications, such as Pridie drilling, lateral retinacula release, meniscus sutures, cruciate ligament sutures, cruciate ligament reconstruction , and synovectomy. Some of these indications have been shown to be useless; for some others the value has not yet been proved scientfically. It is out of the question that the extension of indications had led to a dramatic increase of the complication rate (infection, thrombosis, pulmonary embolies, vascular/nerve lesions, algodystrophy). A more critical discussion of indications for arthroscopy is required. Verf.-Referat