Syndroom van Marfan en sportbeoefening. Een literatuuronderzoek

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Marfan-Syndrom und Sportaktivitaet. Eine Literaturuntersuchung
Autor:Kamperman, K.M.; Backx, Franciscus Jacobus Gerardus; Mosterd, W.L.
Erschienen in:Geneeskunde en sport
Veröffentlicht:25 (1992), 2, S. 54-63, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Marfan syndrome is an inherited disease that prevails with a highly variable clinical expression, characterized itself by deviations in the skeleton, the eyes and the cardiovascular system. Besides these deviations, other symptoms appear in the tissue of the skin, the central nervous system and the lungs. Most likely an inborn error of microfibrillar elastin metabolism accounts for these deviations. In the Netherlands approximately thousand people have Marfan syndrome. The syndrome shows a high morbidity and mortality rate as a consequence to the complications of a dilatated aorta root. Due to this risk, patients are advised not to practise any type of sport. Based on literature, there are given sports medical advices for the guidance of patients with Marfan syndrome. Considering the above, it is very important to make an echocardiographic examination periodically. Types of sport that in general contain a risk for patients with Marfan syndrome are amongst others: athletics, basketball, bodybuilding, diving, down hill skiing, football, gymnastics, motor sports, rugby, soccer, squash, surfing, waterskiing and weightlifting. Opposite to these types of sport are: archery, billiards, bowling, curling, dancing, darts, golf, jogging, midget golf, rowing, swimming and walking that are comparatively safe types of sport for most patients with Marfan syndrome. Verf.-Referat