Prediction of oxygen intake from ventilation, and oxygen intake and work capacity from heart reate during heavy exercise

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vorhersage der Sauerstoffaufnahme sowie Arbeitsleistungsfaehigkeit auf Basis der Herzfrequenz bei intensiver Belastung
Autor:Girandola, Robert N.; Katch, Frank I.; Henry, Franklin M.
Erschienen in:The research quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Washington D.C.
Veröffentlicht:42 (1971), 4, S. 362-373, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Minute-by-minute O2 intake, ventilation volume, and heart rate were correlated during 12 min. of heavy, fatiguing exercise on the bicycle ergometer (N = 50). The 12 min-by-min mean VE values correlated r = .97 with the corresponding mean VO2 scores during exercise and r = .98 during 10 min. of recovery. Correlations across individuals for VO2 and VE were also relatively high during the last 3 min. of exercise and during 10 min. of recovery. This means that VE could be used to predict VO2 very effectively. On the other hand, the min-by-min correlations between individual heart rates and O2 intakes were low and nonsignificant. When the changes from resting to exercise in heart rate (delta HR) and O2 intake (delta VO2) were grouped by 4-min. intervals, the correlations were somewhat higher. However, these correlations were still too low to be of much predictive value. Oxygen pulse (VO2/HR) at any minute was also a poor predictor of individual differences in work capacity during the 12-min. fatiguing test, or during a different work capacity test on the bicycle ergometer of the all-out type. Verf.-Referat