Comparison of sympatho-adrenal activity during endurance exercise performed under high- and low-carbohydrate diet conditions

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vergleich der sympathoadrenalen Aktivitaet wehrend Ausdauerbelastungen bei kohlenhydratreicher und kohlenhydratarmer Ernaehrung
Autor:Sasika, Hiroshi; Hotta, Noboru; Ishiko, Toshihiro
Erschienen in:The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Veröffentlicht:31 (1991), 3, S. 407-412, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0022-4707, 1827-1928
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Abstract des Autors

Effects of varied carbohydrate (CHO) content in the diet on sympatho-adrenal activity to endurance exercise during which blood sugar was kept over a preexercise level were studied in five male physical education students. The CHO loading was used and consisted of a 7-day low CHO diet followed by a 7-day high CHO diet. The results obtained from the present study were as follows: (1) plasma epinephrine (E) was almost the same between the lo wand the high CHO diets before and at 30 min of the exercise, while plasma norepinephrine (NE) level at 30 min of the exercise was significantly higher in the low than in the high CHO diet; (2) serum free fatty acid (FFA) level was significantly higher in the low than in the high CHO diet before and at 30 min of the exerecise; (3) a negative correlation was found between muscle glycogen and plasma NE. In all the subjects, increase in serum FFA accompanied by increase in plasma NE was detected in the low CHO diet. In conclusion, sympathetic activity to endurance exercise during which blood sugar was kept over a preexercise level was elevated more in the low than in the high CHO diet. It was suggested that the more elevated sympathetic nervous activity would have resulted from glycogen depletion in the working muscle due to the low CHO diet and would have increased FFA mobilization from the adipose tissue. Verf.-Referat