A survey of counseling psychology programs and exercise/sport science departments : sport psychology issues and training

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Ein Überblick über die Beratung bei psychologischen Programmen und in Abteilungen der Trainings- und Sportwissenschaft : sportpsychologische Aspekte und Training
Autor:Petrie, Trent A.; Watkins, C. Edward
Erschienen in:The sport psychologist
Veröffentlicht:8 (1994), 1, S. 28-26, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0888-4781, 1543-2793
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Abstract des Autors

As the field of sport psychology has evolved and become more focused on apllied/practitioner issues, the need for interdisciplinary training has been noted. Little information exists, however, concerning the acceptability of sport psychology training in applied psychology programs. Thus, 41 counseling psychology programs and 41 exercise/sport science departments (matched pairs) were sruveyed to determine their relative attitudes toward sport psychology research, training, and current professional issues. The exercise/sport science departments were found to offer more courses in sport psychology and to have more faculty and students interested in sport research. Over 70 of the counseling psychology programs, however, had students with sport psychology interests. In addition, the two academic areas reported equally high levels of acceptance concerning their graduate students pursuing sport psychology research and training. Mechanisms for promoting interdisciplinary training in sport psychology are discussed. Verf.-Referat