Sprint training attenuates plasma ammonia accumulation following maximal exercise

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Sprinttraining mindert den Anstieg der Ammoniakkonzentration im Plasma nach maximaler koerperlicher Belastung
Autor:Snow, R.J.; McKenna, M.J.; Carey, M.F.; Hargreaves, M.
Erschienen in:Acta physiologica Scandinavica
Veröffentlicht:144 (1992), 3, S. 395-396, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0001-6772, 1365-201X
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During high-intensity, short-duration exercise, muscle AMP ist deaminated to form IMP and ammonia (NH3) by the enzyme AMP deaminase. Increased AMP deamination occurs because the rate of ATP hydrolysis exceeds ATP resynthesis, and this results in increased muscle NH3 concentrations which closely match decreases in ATP concentration. Since NH3 may diffuse across the sarcolemma into the circulation, the increase in plasma NH3 concentration with intense exercise may reflect the state of energy balance within active muscle. The effect of sprint training on muscle or blood NH3 has not yet been determined, although it has been reported that post-exercise ATP levels are not different after sprint training. The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of sprint training on post-exercise plasma NH3 accumulation. Verf.-Referat