A general approach for modelling and mathematical investigation of the human upper limb

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Eine allgemeine Einfuehrung in die Problematik der modellhaften Darstellung und der mathematischen Berechnung der oberen Extremitaet des Menschen
Autor:Raikova, Rosita
Erschienen in:Journal of biomechanics
Veröffentlicht:25 (1992), 8, S. 857-867, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0021-9290, 1873-2380
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This paper is an attempt to systematize and solve the problems conncected with biomechanical modelling and mathematical investigation of the upper limb, when all muscles acting on the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint are included. The basic problem is the assumption of a hypothesis for the unit vectors, collinear with muscle force. The so-called segment-lines modelling of the muscle force direction is proposed for solving this problem. This approach combines the simplicity of the straingth line joining the muscle tendon origin to the insertion point, ist application for the analytical description of the model and the real description of the muscle anatomical functions. The principle of the anatomically adequate moment is the general criterion for choosing the segments (straigth and curvilinear sections) by which the direction of the muscle action is prplaced. The different optimization technique which are used for sloving the statically indeterminate problem, formulated for musculoskeletal biomechanical models, are considered. Aiming to obtain strictly positive and continuous solutions for the muscle forces moduli, the application of the Lagrange multipliers method is proposed. The possibility of applying different optimization criteria is explored. A general conclusion may be formulated: if there exists criterion which is independent of the joint angles, is follows then that it must be dependent on the joint reactions and, in addition, it must be nonlinearly dependent on the muscle forces moduli. Verf.-Referat