The effects of elastic tights on the post-exercise response

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Auswirkungen von elastischen Tights auf die Nachbelastungsreaktionen
Autor:Berry, Michael J.; Bailey, Steve P.; Simpkins, Leslie S.; TeWinkle, James A.
Erschienen in:Canadian journal of applied sport sciences
Veröffentlicht:15 (1990), 4, S. 244-248, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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It has previously been demonstrated that graduated compression stockings will affect the post-exercise venous lactate profile. To determine the effects of elastic tights on venous lactate levels and the post-exercise response, eight males completed three exercise bouts on a motor driven treadmill. Each subject ran on the treadmill for up to three minutes at 110 of his VO2max. The conditions for the three exercise bouts were: elastic tights worn during exercise and recovery, elastic tights worn only during exercise, and no elastic tights worn during exercise or recovery. Oxygen consumption, heart rates and venous blood samples, for lactate and hematocrit determination, were obtained at rest and at 5, 15 and 30 min post-exercise. Analysis revealed no significant differences in any of the above variables between three trials at any of the measurement times. These results indicate that use of elastic tights will not significantly affect the post-exercise response or circulating lactate levels. Verf.-Referat