Prediction of skill retention and retraining from initial training

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Voraussage der Behaltensleistung und des Ueberlernens einer Fertigkeit nach dem Anfangstraining
Autor:Goldberg, Joseph H.; ORourke, Sean A.
Erschienen in:Perceptual and motor skills
Veröffentlicht:69 (1989), 2, S. 535-546, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0031-5125, 1558-688X
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The goal of this research was to examine a method for predicting retention and retraining performance of a manual skill after controlled training. In an experiment, 40 men were trained to criterion performance on low- or high-workload tracking tasks, then retested and retrained after no-practice intervals of 1 to 6 wk. Retention and retraining performance times were modeled as a function (1) average tracking completion time during initial training and (2) a power-model point-estimate of training completion times. The power model predicted retention and retraining times lightly better than the average times, but both models were significant (.64 > square-R < .78). Performance times were not related to duration of retention and were marginally related to training workload. Over-all, later performance was well predicted by earlier task performance, but retention was independent of the elapsed no-practice time period. Verf.-Referat