Biomechanical aspects of supine recumbent bicycles

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Biomechanische Aspekte eines Rueckenlage-Fahrrades
Autor:Metz, L. Daniel; Moeinzadeh, Manssour H.; White, Lawrence R.; Groppeel, Jack L.
Herausgeber:Adrian, Marlene; Deutsch, Helga
Erschienen in:Biomechanics
Veröffentlicht:Eugene (Oreg.): Microform Publ. (Verlag), 1986, S. 289-295, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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The recumbent bicycle has emerged as a viable alternative bicycle construction. The present work examines claimed aerodynamic and biomechanical advantages for such bicycles. Aerodynamic benefits are shown to be small. Biomechanical advantages, on the basis of qualitative and quantitative testing done on limited numbers of subjects, are either minimal or actually negative. Subjects were unable to match their performance on a recumbent with that shown on a standard bicycle under controlled test conditions. A joint model analysis also showed no significant force or moment lowering when the recumbent configuration was employed. Verf.-Referat