Human skeletal muscle function and metabolism during intense exercise at high O2 and N2 pressures

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Funktion und Stoffwechsel der menschlichen Skelettmuskulatur bei intensiver Muskelarbeit unter hohem O2- und N2-Druck
Autor:Eiken, O.; Hesser, C.M.; Lind, F.; Thorsson, A.; Tesch, P.A.
Erschienen in:Journal of applied physiology
Veröffentlicht:63 (1987), 2, S. 571-575, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:8750-7587, 0021-8987, 0161-7567, 1522-1601
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The maximal contractile force (peak torque) of the quadriceps femoris was studied during 60 repeated unilateral dynamic knee extensions in nine subjects under three different conditions, viz., during air breathing at normal (1 ATA) and raised (6 ATA) ambient pressures and during O2 breathing at 1.3 ATA. In six subjects the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the working muscle was recorded. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis before, immediately after, and 1 min after exercise. Tissue specimens were subsequently assayed for various muscle metabolites. Peak torque, as an average of the 60 knee extensions, was higher at 1.3 ATA than at 6 or 1 ATA. Peak torque of the exercising muscle declined more rapidly at 1 ATA than at 1.3 ATA, differing in the final 24 contractions by 14. At 6 ATA peak torque of the initial 12 contractions was 6 lower than at 1 ATA but equaled 1-ATA values in the latter third of the exercise bout. Although the EMG activity at 1 ATA increased relative to that at 6 ATA as exercise proceeded, the rate of force decline was greater at 1 ATA. Despite greater total work produced at 1.3 ATA than 1 ATA, the metabolic response to exercise was not substantially altered at increased O2 pressure. However, the restitution rate of energy-rich phosphagens and the elimination of lactate during recovery were greater at 1.3 ATA. These results suggest that hyperoxia may enhance the rate of energy release, whereas high N2 pressure and/or high hydrostatic pressure seem to interfere with neuromuscular activity. Verf.-Referat