Body composition and somatotype characteristics of sportswomen

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Koerperzusammensetzung und somatotypische Eigenschaften von Sportlerinnen
Autor:Bale, P.
Erschienen in:The female athlete
Veröffentlicht:Basel: Karger (Verlag), 1981, S. 157-167, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Online Zugang:
AU  - Bale, P.
A2  - Bale, P.
DB  - BISp
DP  - BISp
KW  - Anthropometrie
KW  - Frauensport
KW  - Knochenstruktur
KW  - Konstitution
KW  - Konstitutionstyp
KW  - Körperbaudaten
KW  - Körperfett
KW  - Körpergewicht
KW  - Körpergröße
KW  - Körperzusammensetzung
KW  - Muskelkraft
KW  - Muskelmasse
KW  - Sportart
KW  - Sportlerin
KW  - Sportmedizin
LA  - eng
PB  - Karger
CY  - Basel
TI  - Body composition and somatotype characteristics of sportswomen
TT  - Koerperzusammensetzung und somatotypische Eigenschaften von Sportlerinnen
PY  - 1981
N2  - This paper examines the discriminative power of measurements of physique between female competitors in different sport. Physique and body composition was assessed from anthropometric measurements. A canonical analysis separated the sportswomen into distinct groups on the basis of a combination of weight, height, percent fat, femur bone width, and biceps girth. Hockey and basketballplayers scored high on these variables in contrast to cross-country runners, who had similar physiques to the ballet dancers. The dancers had the lowest percent fats, were smallest and lightest. The hockey players, gymnasts and swimmers had balanced physiques. The basketball players were significantly taller than the other sports groups. The findings of this study suggest that sportswomen are more muscular and less fat than non-athletic women and their success in sport is due in part to the relationship of this muscle to physicalperformance. Verf.-Referat
SP  - S. 157-167
BT  - The female athlete
M3  - Gedruckte Ressource
ID  - PU198204016324
ER  -