Exercise stress testing : correlations among history of angina, ST-segment response and prevalence of coronary-artery disease in the Coronary Artery Surgery Study

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Belastungstest : Beziehungen zwischen Verlauf der Angina pectoris, ST-Segment-Reaktion und Vorherrschen der Koronararterienerkrankung in der Koronararterien-Chirurgie-Studie
Autor:Weiner, D.A.; Ryan, T.J.; McCabe, C.H.; Kennedy, J.W.; Schloss, M.; Tristani, F.; Chaitman, B.R.; Fisher, L.D.
Erschienen in:The New England journal of medicine
Veröffentlicht:301 (1979), S. 230-235, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0028-4793, 1533-4406
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To determine to what extent the diagnostic accuracy of stress testing is influenced by the prevalence of coronary-artery disease, we correlated the description of chest pain, the result of stress testing and the results of coronary arteriography in 1465 men and 580 women from a multicentered clinical trial. The pre-test risk (prevalence of coronary-artery disease) varied from 7 to 87 per cent, depending on sex and classification of chest pain. A positive stress test increased the pre-test risk by only 6 to 20 per cent whereas a negative test decreased the risk by only 2 to 28 per cent. Although the percentage of false-positive results differed between men and women (12+/- 1 per cent versus 53+/-3 per cent), this difference was not seen in a subgroup matched for prevalence of coronary-artery disease. We conclude that the ability of stress testing to predict coronary-artery disease is limited in a heterogeneous population in which the prevalence of disease can be estimated through classification of chest pain and the sex of the patient. Verf.-Referat