NADGO - National Anti-Doping Governance Observer

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Nationaler Beobachter der Anti-Doping-Politik (NADGO)
Leiter des Projekts:Mittag, Jürgen (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln / Institut für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung, Tel.: 0221 49822690, mittag at
Forschungseinrichtung:Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln / Institut für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung
Finanzierung:Europäische Union / Erasmus+
Kooperationspartner:Play the Game; Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln ; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ; Uniwersytet Warszawski ; Anti Doping Danmark; Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations; Nationale Anti-Doping-Agentur Deutschland ; Polska Agencja Antydopingowa; Antidopingová Agentúra SR; Sport Ireland / Anti-Doping; European Athletics; fair-sport
Format: Projekt (SPOFOR)
Projektlaufzeit:01/2019 - 06/2021
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‘National Anti-Doping Governance Observer: Benchmarking Governance in National Anti-Doping Organisations’ (NADGO) will aim to assist national anti-doping organisations (NADOs) in raising the quality of their governance and promote independent practices free from conflicts of interests.
Firstly, through a mapping of the current structures, practices, challenges and weaknesses of governance in the field of anti-doping and secondly, by developing a code of good governance and a practical benchmarking tool that can be used to evaluate NADOs performance on good governance parameters.
Through the code of good governance, the project will deliver specific assistance in addressing good governance deficits by showing best practice examples of crucial documents and through two workshops within the wider community of NADOs.