Impiego di aminoacidi ramificati (BCAA) in gare di sci maratona: nostra esperienza e riflessioni sotto il profilo medico-sportivo

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Studie zur Wirkung von verzweigtkettigen Aminosaeuren bei einem Ski-Marathon: unsere Erfahrungen und Betrachtungen aus sportmedizinischer Sicht
Autor:Zucco, P.; Bonvecchio, A.; Grappa, E.; Buzzi, F.
Erschienen in:Medicina dello sport
Veröffentlicht:47 (1994), 2, S. 135-142, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0025-7826, 1827-1863
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Abstract des Autors

Some of the more important amino-acids (AA) for the physiological processor are those of the branched chain type (BCAA): leucine, valine and isoleucine, which metabolize in the muscular tissue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of oral administration of branched amino acids (BCAA) on athletes taking part in a seven days ski mountaineering marathon. The hematic concentration of twenty-five amino-acids and their variations were calculated at rest, after administration and after exertion. The BCAA, not synthesized by the organism, are selectively broken down within the muscle for energy, and furthermore, we have forwarded the hypothesis that they also have a protein anabolic effect. We tested 15 athletes in a double blind test (BCAA vs Placebo). This was taken for the seven days preceding the competition and during the seven days contest. Anthropometric measurements were taken as well as hemochemical tests, pre-treatment and both before and after the contest. The results obtained show that in subjects treated with BCAA there were significant variations in the hematic Aminogram. A clear sign was in particular the increase of blood sugars, of alanine and the reduction of aspartate, which all show the neoglucogenetic role of BCAA. On the other hand, the fifteen days administration of BCAA did not effect the anthropometric levels nor the azote balance of the athletes. Furthermore the plastic action (anabolisation role) observed elsewhere by various authors under other sport or environmental conditions, was not found here. Furthermore, the amino-acid profile showed a smaller decrease in the BCAA/AAA (Aromatic Amino Acids) relationship in the treated subjects. This would aid the competitive intake of BCAA by means of the liquor, slowing the sensation of fatigue (which is due to serotonin, whose precursors are AAA). The possible centric and anabolising actions of the administration of BCAA, together with its precise hemochemical effects, would include these substances, according to the law, into the group of doping agents. Bearing this in mind, it should be noted that certain products in Italy which contain BCAA, have simply been classified by the Ministry of Health as dietary aids. Therefore as they have not formally been described as drugs, they have escaped the need of prescriptions and medical controls. This is true both for their posological effects as well as for any possible undesired effects. In other words, anyone can aid to the amino-acid component of an ordinary diet any dosage of BCAA, with an indiscriminate overall posology. It should be noted that even if they do not expressly appear in any official list of doping substances, the characteristics of their intake and the biochemical effects that they have shown to date do not seem to be compatible with the definition of doping as used by the CIO. However, a definitive answer should be given only after research on a wide case study and over a sufficient time span, from an accurate analysis of the centric and hemochemical effects and the renal emunctory that they produce. Verf.-Referat