5-8 klasių mokinių maloniam dalyvavimui įtaką darantys veiksniai per kūno kultūros pamoką

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Faktoren, die die Fähigkeiten von Schülern der 5.-8. Klassen, am Sportunterricht teilzunehmen und Freude daran zu empfinden, beeinflussen
Autor:Petrylaitė, Evelina; Emeljanovas, Arūnas
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2012, 3=69, S. 63-69, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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The paper analyses the factors that influence the 5th-8th grade students’ enjoyment in physical education class. Object: students’ enjoyment in physical education class. Goal: to determine the factors that influence the 5th-8th grade students’ enjoyment in physical education class. In order to achieve the above goal, the following tasks are defined: 1. To determine the intrinsic factors of achievement and nonachievement in physical education class within the 5th-8th grade students and according to their sex. 2. To determine the extrinsic factors of achievement and nonachievement in physical education class within the 5th-8th grade students and according to their sex. The analysis is based on a questionnaire from the article ‘The fun factor in physical activity’ (2006 ) by C. Garn Alex and J. Donetta Cothran. The questionnaire consists of 21 questions that are rated according to the Likert scale from 5 (Strongly agree) to 1 (Strongly disagree). The concept of fun in sport by Scanlan and Simons (1992) used in this paper can fluctuate between achievement or nonachievement factors that are derived from either intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Scanlan and Lewthwaite (1986) defined the four quadrants as follows: 1) Achievement – Intrinsic: Predictors related to personal perceptions of competence and control such as the attainment of mastery goals and perceived ability. 2) Achievement – Extrinsic: Predictors related to personal perceptions of competence and control that are derived from other people such as positive social evaluation and social recognition of achievement. 3) Nonachievement – Intrinsic: Predictors related to physical activity and movement such as sensations, tension, action, and exhilaration, and competition such as excitement. 4) Nonachievement – Extrinsic: Predictors related to nonperformance aspects of sport such as affiliation with peers, and having positive interactions with teachers. Conclusion : 1) The intrinsic achievement factors are less important to boys than girls. Boys find success and confidence most signicant while girls are more focused on learning new things, testing their own strength and also performing well compared to other classmates. The main factors of the intrinsic achievement that influenced both sexes is success and confidence. Boys find it critical for physical educations classes to be filled with fun activities that reduce stress; therefore, the intrinsic factors of nonachievement relate to satisfying their needs. The girls find it crucial to realise their potential while having fun and to have an apportunity to choose the activity. 2) The extrinsic factors cause most fun in physical education class for both groups of students. They are associated with pride and personal achievements, i.e. achievement in physical education classes and chance to perform better than others. Girls are mainly influenced by achievement in physical education classes, an opportunity to perform better than others and recognition. While boys find winning in the class as the main factor of fun. The main factor of extrinsic nonachievement is the environment in the class and its elements such as teacher and friends. Verf.-Referat