Buchumschlag Beitrag
von Sailes, Gary A. (Autor),
Erschienen in Racism in college athletics. 2nd ed., Morgantown (West Virg.): Fitness Information Technology (Verlag), 2000, 2000. S. 53-63, Lit., Lit.
... (30%), and basketball (85%); in particular, in the United States they dominate the headlines of today...
Buchumschlag Beitrag
von Green, Tina Sloan (Autor),
Erschienen in Racism in college athletics. 2nd ed., Morgantown (West Virg.): Fitness Information Technology (Verlag), 2000, 2000. S. 227-242, Lit., Lit.
... and professional sports in foreign countries and the United States will increase. However, barriers such as racism...
Buchumschlag Beitrag
von Eitzen, D. Stanley (Autor),
Erschienen in Racism in college athletics. 2nd ed., Morgantown (West Virg.): Fitness Information Technology (Verlag), 2000, 2000. S. 293-306, Lit., Lit.
... of athletic departments. The United States has never lived up to its promise of social justice for all...