The Analysis of Physical Power and Development Indexes of the Students from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Mykolas Romeris University for the Period 2011–2013

Autor: Robertas Veršinskas; Povilas Tamošauskas; Vytautas Markevičius
Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch; Litauisch; Russisch
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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Recently, physical activity and physical education has become an integral part of the human and the most important tool for increasing health condition that can liberate from passivity, floppiness and the overload of mental work. The conducted research is focused on determining indexes for physical activity and development of VGTU and MRU students and on evaluating variations in the applied indicators. The surveyed participants represent the faculties of Environmental Engineering, Mechanics, Electronics, Fundamental Sciences, Transport Engineering of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) and the faculties of Law, Social Technologies, Policy and Management, Finances and Economic Management of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). For evaluating the physical condition of the students, Eurofit tests were used: standing long jump for examining the explosive power of legs, hanging with bent arms for testing the endurance of arm power, the crunch for measuring the strength and stamina of abdominal muscles, the flamingo exercise for checking balance, teping for checking the speed of upper limb motion, pressing a hand for measuring static power, etc. The carried out first testing has disclosed that MRU students are the tallest and make (184.6 (4.2) cm), whereas weight indexes of the surveyed VGTU and MRU students are almost the same. The majority of the participants from VGTU (80.9%) and MRU (88.24%) had normal body weight, and only 14.1% and 11.76% respectively had overweight. During the period between testing, VGTU students statistically (p < 0.001) improved the speed of upper limb motion, the relative force of the hand, the endurance of arms and shoulders. MRU students increased indexes of the stamina of the dynamic strength of abdominal muscles, endurance, agility and the strength of the left and right hand as well as flexibility characteristics. The examined participants showed higher results of the flamingo exercise, crunch and hanging (p < 0.001) than those from other Lithuanian higher education ...