The relationship between aerobic fitness and change in repeated sprint ability before and after a half-time

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Der Zusammenhang zwischen aerober Fitness und Veränderung der wiederholten Sprintfähigkeit vor und nach einer Halbzeit
Autor:Kinoshita, Natsumi; Takayama, Fuminori; Nabekura, Yoshiharu
Erschienen in:International journal of sport and health science
Veröffentlicht:15 (2017), S. 104-110, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1880-4012, 0915-3942, 1348-1509
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Abstract des Autors

This study investigated the relationship between aerobic fitness and repeated sprint ability (RSA) before and after a half-time. Thirteen male volunteers (23±2 years, 175±5 cm, 67±6 kg; [mean±standard error]) participated in this study. All subjects underwent two laboratory tests on a cycle ergometer. An initial test was conducted to determine aerobic fitness. On separate day, the RSA test was conducted. The RSA exercise comprised 15×6-s sprints with 54-s recovery periods. This was duplicated after a 15-min half-time. The blood lactate (Bla) removal rate was calculated using Bla values before and after the half-time. As a result of aerobic fitness, seven subjects were classified as fit (≥58 ml/kg/min) and six as unfit (<58 ml/kg/min). The maximal peak power was significantly reduced in the unfit group (p<0.05) but not in the fit group (p>0.05) at the second session. The change in maximal peak power between sessions was significantly correlated with VO2max (r=0.714, p<0.01). A strong correlation was observed between Bla removal rate and VO2max (r=0.830, p<0.01). These results indicate that aerobically fit subjects recover more quickly after RSA exercise due to superior lactate removal ability.