Doping : never-ending story? Never-ending glory!

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Doping : niemals endende Geschichte? Niemals endender Ruhm!
Autor:Daumann, Frank; Wunderlich, Anne Christine; Römmelt, Benedikt
Erschienen in:Sport in society
Veröffentlicht:18 (2015), 10, S. 1166-1178, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1743-0437, 1743-0445, 1461-0981
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Abstract des Autors

The aim of this paper is to show an effective and cost-efficient method of minimizing the incentives for athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs commonly referred to as doping. We first review the regulations that have already been implemented to minimize incentives to dope in professional sports. These traditional approaches are unable to resolve the doping dilemma. Rather, doping seems to be a never-ending story. We then present a new cost-efficient approach that is easy to implement. Our new approach turns a win into never-ending glory. This is achieved by discounting the benefits of a first place win on several grounds. As the net benefit of winning is not diminished, the idea of competition can be perpetuated.