Black market products confiscated in Norway 2011–2014 compared to analytical findings in urine samples

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:In Norwegen zwischen 2011 und 2014 konfiszierte Schwarzmarktprodukte im Vergleich mit Analysebefunden in Urinproben
Autor:Hullstein, Ingunn R.; Malerod-Fjeld, Helle; Dehnes, Yvette; Hemmersbach, Peter
Erschienen in:Drug testing and analysis
Veröffentlicht:7 (2015), 11/12 (33rd Cologne workshop: Advances in sports drug testing), S. 1025-1029, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1942-7603, 1942-7611
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Abstract des Autors

Doping agents are widely and illicitly distributed through the Internet. Analysis of these preparations is useful in order to monitor the availability of prohibited substances on the market, and more importantly to predict which substances are expected to be found in urine samples collected from athletes and to aid clinical and forensic investigations. Based on a close collaboration with the Norwegian police and the Norwegian custom authorities, the Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory has performed analyses of confiscated material suspected of containing doping agents. The analyses were performed using gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC) combined with mass spectrometry (MS). The majority (67%) of the analyzed black market products contained anabolic- androgenic steroids (AAS) as expected, whereas peptide- and protein-based doping substances were identified in 28% of the preparations. The Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory receives samples collected from recreational and elite athletes in addition to samples collected in clinical and forensic investigations. The findings in the seized material reflected the findings in the urine samples analyzed regarding the anabolic steroids. Thus, analyzing material seized in Norway may give a good indication of doping agents available on the local market.